Page:Alexander Macbain - An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language.djvu/233

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far-, over; see far, upon, and air (b). far-ainm, nick-name; far-cluais, listening, etc.

farachan, death watch beetle: "hammerer"; from fairche, hammer, Ir. farachan, a hammer (also Gaelic, Wh.). The possibility of its being from faire must not be overlooked.

faradh, a roost, Ir. faradh (do.), E. Ir. forud, a bench, seat, shelf: *for-sud, root sed, seat, as in suidhe, q.v. Cf. W. gor-sedd, a seat. E. Ir. forad, platform *ver-podo-.

faraich, a cooper's wedge; see fairce.

farail, a visit, inquiry for health; from far or for and -ell-, -eln-, go, root el, as in Lat. amb-ulare, Gr. ἐλθεῖν. See further under tadhal.

faraire; see forair.

faraire, lykewake:

farasda, easy, gentle, Ir. farasda, forasda, solid, reasonable, "staid": *for-asda; for asda, see fasdadh. farasda is confused with furasda, q.v.

farbhail, a lid; from far-bheul, "super-os", from beul, mouth.

farbhalach, a stranger; from falbhalach, from falbh?

farbhas, a surmise; *far-meas, from meas, judge. Cf. eirmis.

farbhas, noise:

fàrdach, a mansion, hearth, home; cf. dachaidh.

fàrdadh, alder bark for dyeing black (H.S.D., Dial.), lye, or any colour in liquid (M'A.); from far and dath?

fàrdal, delay, M. Ir. fordall, staying, E. Ir. fordul:

fardan, a farthing, Ir. fardín; from the Eng.

fàrdorus, lintel, Ir. fárdorus, E. Ir. fordorus, porch, W. gwarddrws, lintel; from for, far and dorus.

farfonadh, a warning (H.S.D.); see root in fathunn: *vor-svon.

fargradh, a report: *vor-gar, root gar as in goir.

fàrlus, chimney or roof-light, E. Ir. forlés; from for and leus, q.v. Cf. àrlas.

farmachan, a sand lark (H.S.D., Dial.):

farmad, envy, Ir. formad, O. Ir. format: *for-mad, the mad being for mento- (*ver-mento-, Stokes), root men, Lat. mens, Eng. mind. See dearmad.

farmail, a large pitcher (Heb.):

farpas, refuse of straw or hay (H.S.D., M'E.); cf. rapas.

farpuis, strife, co-fharpuis:

fàrr, off! be off!

farrach, violence, Ir. farrach, forrach; see farran.

farradh, company, vicinity, M. G. na warri (D. of L.), Ir. farradh, E. Ir. farrad, i fharrad, near, O. Ir. in arrad; from ar-sod-, "by-seat", root sod, sed, sit, as in suidhe. Hence Ir. compound prep. a bh-farradh; and from the same source comes the G. mar ri, q.v.