Page:Alexander Macbain - An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language.djvu/264

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glainne, glaine, a glass, Ir. gloine, E. Ir. gloine, glaine, W. glain, a gem, what is pur; from glan, clean.

glaiseach, foam (M'A.), glais-sheile, water-brash, from obs. glais, stream, E. Ir. glaiss, same root as glas.

glaisleun, lesser spear-wort (Sh.), Ir. glaisleun; from glas and leun or lèan, a swamp (Cameron).

glaistig, water imp; from glas, water. So Carm. Manx glashtyn, kelpie, etc.

glàm, devour, Ir. glámaim, devour, gobble, glámaire, glutton: *glad-s-mo-; Ch. Sl. gladu, hunger. Sc. glam.

glamair, a smith's vice; from the Norse klömbr, a smith's vice, Ger. glemmem, pinch, jam.

glamhsa, a snap as by a dog; for form, compare Ir. glamhsan, a murmur, which is an aspirated form of glaim, howling. The G. is similarly from glàm, devour, with possibly a leaning on the idea of noise as in glaim. H.S.D. has glamhus, open chops. glomhas, open chasm (Wh.).

glan, clean, pure, Ir., O. Ir. glan, W. glain, Br. glan, Gaul. river name Glana: *glano-s, root glê, gel, gla, shine; Gr. γλήνεα, shows, γλήνη, eyeball, γελεῖν, shine (Hes.), and γλαινοί, bright ornamentation (Hes.), from root glai, from which Eng. clean comes (thus: glê, gla: glêi, glai).

glang, a ringing noise; see gliong.

glaodh, a cry, call, Ir. glaodh, M. Ir. gloed, a shout; cf. O. Ir. adgládur, appello, Skr. hrā́date, sound, Gr. γλῶσσα, tongue (*γλωθια?), Ir. and G. would then be from an O. Ir. *gláid, from *glâdi-. Hence glaodhar, glaoran, a noise, prating. O. Ir. gloidim, ringo.

glaodh, glue, Ir. glaodh, M. Ir. glóed, E. Ir. gláed; *gloi-do-, from I. E. gloi, glei, be sticky; Gr. γλοιά, γλία, γλίνη, glue: Lat. gluten; Ch. Sl. glénu, mucus; Eng. clay, Ger. klei, slime. W. glud and M. Br. glut are from the Lat.

glaodhan, pith of wood; from glaodh the idea being "resinous or gluey stuff".

glaomar, a fooish person (Dial.): "noisy one"; from glaodh.

glaoran, blossom of wood-sorrel: *gloiro-, "bright", root glei of glé?

glas, a lock, Ir., O. Ir. glas: *glapsâ; Eng. clasp.

glas, grey, Ir. glas, green, pale, E. Ir. glass, W., O. W., Br. glas, green: *glasto-, green; Ger. glast, sheen (Bez.), root glas, to which Ger. glass, Eng. glass, are probably allied.

glé, very, Ir. glé, very, pure, O. Ir. glé, bright, W. gloew, bright, O. W. gloiu, liquidum: *gleivo-, I. E. ꬶhlei-, shine; Eng. gleam, glimmer, Ger. glimmen; Gr. χλίω, χλιαρός, warm (Kluge). Bez. refers it to the root of Eng. clean (see glan).