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It has also been refered to the root of Gr. μαλθακός, soft (see meall), and to that of Lat. mollis, soft, Eng. mellow.
mallachd, a curse, so Ir., O. Ir. maldacht, W. mellith, Br. malloc'h; from Lat. maledictio, Eng. malediction.
màm, large round hill, Ir. mam, mountain, M. Ir. mamm, breast, pap (O'Cl.): "breast, pap", Lat. mamma, mother, breast, Eng. mamma, etc. Hence màm, an ulcerous swelling of the armpit.
màm, a handful, two handfuls, Ir., M. Ir. mám, handful, W. mawaid, two handfuls: *mâmmâ (Stokes), from *manmâ, allied to Lat. manus, hand? Cf., however, màg.
màn, a mole on the skin, arm-pit ulcer; side form màm.
manach, a monk, Ir., E. Ir. manach, M. Ir. mainchine, monkship, monk's duties (cf. abdaine), W. mynach, Br. manac'h; from Lat. monachus, Eng. monk. Hence manachainn, a monastery.
manach, the angel fish:
manachan, the groin:
manadh, an omen, luck, E. Ir. mana, omen; Lat. moneo, warn, advise; Ag. S. manian, warn, exhort.
mànas, the portion of an estate famed by the owner, a large or level farm; from the Sc. mains, Eng. manor.
mandrag, mandrake, Ir. mandrác; from the Eng. W. mandragor is from M. Eng. mandragores, Ag. S. mandragora.
mang, a fawn, M. Ir. mang, E. Ir. mang (Corm.): Celtic root mag (mang), increase, Eng. maiden, Got. magus, boy (see mac).
mangan, a bear; see mathghamhain.
mannda, manntach, lisping, stammering, Ir. manntach, toothless, stammering, E. Ir. mant, gum, O. Ir. mend, dumb, etc., Ir. meann, dumb (O'Br.), W. mant, jaw, mantach, toothless jaw: *mandϑto-, jaw; Lat. mandere, eat, mandibula, a jaw; further is Eng. meat, Gr. μασάομαι, chew, eat, root mad.
mànran, a tuneful sound, a cooing, humming, Ir. manrán:
maodail, a paunch, stomach, ruminant's pouch, Ir. méadail, maodal, meadhail (Lh.), M. Ir. medhal (Ir. Gl., 235), métail: *mand-to-? Root mad, mand, eat, as under mannda?
maoidh, grudge, reproach, Ir. maoidhim, grudge, upbraid, bra, E. Ir. máidim, threaten, boast, O. Ir. móidem, gloriatio: *moido-; root moid, meid; M.H.G. gemeit, grand, O. H. G. kameit, jactans, stolidus, O. Sax. gemêd, stupid, Got. gamaids, bruised. See miadh.
maoidhean, personal influence, interest; from Sc. moyen (do.), Fr. moyen, a mean, means, Eng. means, from Lat. medianus, median, middle.