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oigheam, obedience, homage; cf. gaidhe.
oighionnach, aigheannach, a thistle (Perth, according to M'A.): see fobhannan.
oighre, ice, Ir. oidhir, M. Ir. óigred, E. Ir. aigred, snow; see deigh.
oighre, an heir, so Ir., M. Ir. oigir; founded on Lat. heres, possibly on M. Eng. heir rather, which is from heres.
oighreag, cloudberry; founded on Sc. averin.
oil, vexation, offence, Ir. †oil. The E. Ir. áil has a long, and is for agli-, Got. agls, disgraceful (Strachan). The G. is perhaps from the root of oillt.
oil, rear, educate, Ir. oilim, O. Ir. ailim; root al as in altrum.
oilbheum, offence, stumbling-block, Ir. oilbhéim, M. Ir. ailbéim: "stone-dashing", "stone-stumbling"; from ail, rock, and beum, blow, q.v. (Atk.).
oilean, eilean, training, nurture, Ir. oileamhuin, nurture, M. Ir. oilemain, inf. to ailim, I rear; root al, as in altrum, q.v.
oillt, horror, disgust, Ir. oilt: *aleti-, root pal, strike, whence Lat. palma, palm, palpo, palpitate, etc.?
oineach, liberality, Ir. oineach, mercy, liberality. See eineach.
òinid, a fool, Ir. óinmhid, E. Ir. óinmit, onmit; from ón-, foolish, and ment, mind. See next.
òinnseach, a foolish woman, Ir. óinseach; from ón, foolish, and the feminine termination -seach.
oir, edge, border, Ir., E. Ir., O. Ir. or, W. gor-or, ora superior: *oro-. Cf. Lat. ôra, coast, from which Thur. regards it as borrowed; it is not allied to Ger. ufer, coast.
oir, for, O. Ir. ar, air; the prep. air (*are) used as a conj. The Ir. óir, because, for, O. Ir. óre, úare, abl. of O. Ir. uar, huar, is from Lat. hôra, Gaelic uair.
oir-, prefix denoting "ad" or "on", Ir. oir-, O. Ir. air-, ar-; this is the prep. air (*are). Hence oirbheart, a good deed, Ir. do., from beart; oirbheas, act of charity, from beus, conduct, etc. Sometimes confused with òr-, gold, as prefix; cf. óirdheirc.
oircheas, pity, charity, Ir. oircheasachd, need, charitableness; cf. O. Ir. airchissecht, gratia, indulgentia, vb. airchissim, parcit, indulget: air+cess; root of cead?
òirde, a piece or lump of anything; see ord.
òirdheirc, glorious, Ir. óirdhearc, O. Ir. airdirc, erdirc; from air and dearc, see: "con-spicuous". See oir- for the òir-.
oirfeid, music, Ir. oirfid, E. Ir. air-fitiud, playing, inf. to arbeitim, arpeitim; from air and peitim, peiteadh, music; peit or pet is from svettâ, whistle, pipe, G. fead, q.v.
òirleach, an inch, Ir. órlach, ordlach, M. Ir. ordlach, tri hordlaighe, three inches; from ordu, thumb, now G. òrd-ag, q.v.