Page:Alexander and Dindimus (Skeat 1878).djvu/100

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805. An obscure line. Insert a comma after is, and another after burnus, thus isolating burnus as being a vocative case. Then take al is = it is all; and we get—'and it is all about (i.e. it is all done with the object), O ye men, in order to feed your body;' i.e. ye do it all to pamper the body.

834. Ne; so in the MS. Better no. On the other hand, we have no for ne very often; cf. l. 841.

842. Enuye; the correction is certain; see inuidiam in the Lat. text.

844. Wisli, certainly; not 'wisely' as in l. 913.

851. You wantus, fails you. You cannot be a nominative. So in l. 891.

868. 'Wherefore let no man be pleased (satisfied) with his poor fare (in this life), nor expect to have any reward for his hard living.'

872. Lengede, were to remain (or dwell).

891. 'The custom of the world fails you;' cf. l. 851.

893. For mischef, on account of your hard lot.

907. Reward, regard; the original spelling.

916. But, except, unless, if it were not. The line is parenthetical.

918. As, according as; or seeing that.

920. The MS. has 'ten-e-,' i.e. 'tenen.' But it should have been simply 'tene;' see l. 950. Tid is shord for tideþ, i.e. betides, happens. 'For sometimes sorrow happens, and sometimes mirth.'

930. Read "oþur wise;" the hyphen was inserted accidentally. The sense is—'in yet another way.'

941-952. This passage is from the other Latin text, in Bisse's edition of Palladius, p. 102. "Quis enim aut audaciam requirit in puero, aut in adolescente constantiam, aut mobilitatem poscit in vetulo? Multa sunt quæ visui nostro, alia quæ auditui, nonnulla quæ odoratui, vel tactui, vel sapori voluptosa succurrunt, quibuys ærumnarum quas ex labora contrahimus mulceatur asperitas; et ita modo saltationibus, modo cantibus oblectamur, nonnumquam [etiam][1] suavitate odoris vel gustu dulcedinis aut contactus [blanda mollitie refovemur. Quorum omnium suggerunt nobis elementa materiarum, quæ etiam vite nostre creduntur esse principia. Quorum permixtione][1] contraria humani generis structura conditur," &c.

941. Cherched, brought to church, "received into the church" after baptism; cf. Piers Plowman,B . i. 178, and the Notes upon it.

957. Wonde, fear; hence, refuse. Won, quantity, abundance.

969. Wiþ oþur, with another (seal?). It seems to refer to sel in the preceding line.

971. He dide, he caused men soon to read it, i.e. he cause it to be read. Not 'he did read it.'

979. Insert a comma after "thee;" i.e. 'we cause thee to know and hear, O celebrated king.'

  1. 1.0 1.1 The word 'etiam' and the passage 'blanda-permixtione' are denoted in Bisse only by dots; no doubt his MS. was imperfect. They are supplied from MS. C. C. C. Camb. no. 370, fol. 37, b.