- Kinde, nom. nature, 910; acc. 1023; dat. 456, 1012, 1034; of kinde, by nature, 554, 905; for kinde, as (being) nature, by the name of nature, 308. See Kynde.
- Kinde, adj. natural, 331, 482, 989.
- Kindeli, adj. naturally, 415, 903.
- Kindus, s. pl. kinds, sorts, 490, 958.
- King, king, 13; pl. Kinguus, 82, 90, 107.
- Kiþ, s. country, land, 179, 455, 1084, 1089. See Kyþ.
- Kiþe, v. to make known, shew, grant, 605; kiþe ȝe ȝou, ye prove yourselves, 540. (See kiþen in Gl. to Wm. of Palerne.
- Knewe, 2 p. pl. pt. ye knew, 397.
- Kniht, knight, 127.
- Knowe, ger. to know, 149, 422; to know about, 189; pr. s. Knowiþ, knows, 229; 2 p. Knowist, knowest, 77; 1 p. pl. Knowen, we know, 451, 844; 2 p. Knowe, ye know, 718; pp. Knowe, known, 1052.
- Konne, 1 p. pl. pr. we can, 278; i. e. can do, 456. See Kunne.
- Konninge, cunning, skill, 230, 583; knowledge, 905.
- Kouþ, adj. known, famous, 578. A.S. cúð, known.
- Kunne, ye can, 803; 3 p. pl. Kun, can, 763. See Konne.
- Kydde, pp. born, produced, 1051. See Kid
- Kynde, dat. nature, 325; Kinde, 327; of kynde, by nature, 35; nom. 407. See Kinde.
- Kyþ, s. kith, country, 173.
- Kyþen, 1 p. pl. pr. we exhibit, make known, manifest, 504; 2 p. ye exhibit, shew, 651. See Kiþe.
- Lacchen, ger. to receive, 70; Lacche, to catch, 298; v. Lacche, to catch, 998; v. Lache, 264, 576; pr. s. Lacchus, receives, 188; 1 p. pl. Lacche, we receive, 40; Lachen, we catch, 956. A.S. læccan, to seize.
- Laie, 1 p. pl. pt. we lay, 448.
- Laik, s. play, game, 465. Swed. lek, O. Icel. leikr, a game.
- Lak, s. blame, 220. See Lakke.
- Lakke, ger. to blame, 838, 897. Du. laken, to blame.
- Lakken, pr. pl. lack, are deficient in, 328.
- Lande, dat. land, 172, 665; Land, 174, 843; pl. Landus, 369.
- Langage, language, 56, 142.
- Large, large, ample, 113; i. e. large river, 526.
- Lasse, less, 579; lasse no more, smaller nor greater, 704.
- Last; adv. last, 1072.
- Last, conj. lest, 132.
- Laste, v. to last, continue, endure, 270, 322, 981; pr. s. Lasteþ, 236.
- Lastinge, everlasting, 781, 1119.
- Latur, adv. later, more faintly, 235.
- Lauȝe, ger. to laugh, 470.
- Lawe, law, 260, 379, 508, 513, 515, 100; pl. Lawus, 506, 911; Lawes, 506
- Laweles, lawless, 906.
- Lay, pt. s. lay, 563.
- Lechoures, gen. pl. of lechers, 631; Lecherus, 684.
- Lechourus, lecherous, 554; Leccherouse, 694; Lechorus, 755.
- Lechurie, lechery, 788, 884, 887; Lecherie, 562; Leccherie, 681; gen. Leccheries, of lechery, 392.
- Lede, v. to lead, 445; Leden, 858; pr. s. Ledus, carries, takes, 186; 1 p. pl. pr. Leden, we lead, 444, 1005; 2 p. Lede, 629; Leden, 1011.
- Ledere, leader, 174, 974.
- Lef, adj. dear, lief, 259; pleasant, 498, 1091; fond, 838; lef oþur loþ, pleasing or unpleasing, 867.
- Legge, ger. to lay, 438, 592.
- Lelliche, truly, 622.
- Lem, s. gleam, brightness, 122; light, 934, 476, 520; flame, 684. A.S. leóma, E. g-leam.
- Lenge, ger. to dwell, 1119; v. 781;