- Listene, v. to listen, 820; ger. Listne, to listen to, 768; pp. Listned, heard, 180, 199.
- Lite, adv. little, 886, 932, 1028. AS. lyt.
- Litil, little, 168, 645, 878.
- Litil, adv. little, 205, 324.
- Liþus, imp. pl. listen ye, 820.
- Liue, ger. to live, 911; pr. s. Liuþ, he lives, 324; 1 p. pl. we live, 270; 2 p. Liven, ye live, 785, 1055, 1110; pt. s. Liuede, lived, 265, 562.
- Liue, I believe, 579.
- Liue, dat. life, 551; pl. Liuus, lives, 885; gen. pl. Liuus, lives’, 596.
- Light, s. light, 122.
- Liȝthe, 1 p. pl. pr. lit. lighten; but obviously an error for Liten, i. e. stain, 400. See note.
- Lodlich, loathly, 592.
- Lof, air; lof briddus, birds of the air, 956. Written for loft. See below.
- Loft, s. the sky, 480; air, 474; of loft, either (1) of the sky; or (2) put for on loft, aloft, 476; on þe loft, aloft, 122. And see above.
- Loken, ger. to look, 474; pr. s. Lokus, looks, 188.
- Lome, s. either (1) tool (lit. loom); or (2) loam, elay (which better suits the context and the Lat. text; see note), 439.
- Lond, land, 142; dat. Londe, 350. See Land.
- Long, adj. long, 276.
- Long, in phr. long in = long of, i. e. along of, owing to, 510.
- Longe, adv. for a long time, long since, 178; a long while, 1132.
- Longeþ, pr. s. impers. it belongs: a lud longeþ, it belongs to a man, 650, 1114; belongs, 458, 1110; Longus, 258; pr. pl. Longen, belong, 946, 949.
- Lord, lord, 174, 316, 628, 665.
- Lordliche, adj. lordly, 181, 576.
- Lordschipe, dominion, lordship, power over, 76, 264, 428, 1011.
- Lore, s. lore, learning, 453, 458; pl. Lorus, teachings, lessons, 217, 224, 226, 457, 828, 1121.
- Los, s. praise, 221.
- Loþ, adj. loath, displeasing, distasteful, 284, 438, 460, 768, 867, 872; Loþe, hated, wretched, 1097; be you loþ oþur lef, be it unpleasant or pleasant to you, 1091.
- Loþeth, pr. s. impers. it makes (us) loath, 392; 1 p. pl. pr. Loþen, we loathe, 272, 373.
- Loþliche, loathsome, hateful, 1087.
- Loue, love, 373.
- Louen, ger. to love, 316, 404; v. 887; pr. s. Louus, 1041; 1 p. pl. pr. we love, 1005; 3 p. 596; pt. s. Louede, loved, 681.
- Low, low, subject, inferior, 264; pl. Lowe, 441
- Lowe, imp. s. lower, let down, lay aside, 517; pp. Lowed, subjected, 519.
- Lowe, for Loue, love, 253.
- Loweste, most inferior, humblest, 265.
- Lud, s. man, person; wight, 18, 106, 168, 324, 510, 515, 519; pl. Ludus, men, 56, 142, 284, 311, 355, 838, 843, 858, 1110, 1112, 1114; gen pl. Ludene, of men, 773. A.S. leód.
- Luf, adj. lief, dear, pleasing, 562, 788.
- Lust, lust, 392, 555, 684; pl. Lustus, 334.
- Luþur, adj. bad, evil, 272, 400, 569, 773, 946; bad, meagre, 868, 878; as sb. evil, 629. See Leþur.
- Luþurly, adv. wickedly, 460, 1055; evilly, 785. See above.
- Lym, lime, 438.
- Lyuede, pt. s. subj. were to live, should live, 106. See Liue.
- Maad, pp. made, 108, 889, 998. See below
- Made, pt. s. made, caused, 148, 413; 2 p. Madest, 527.
- Main, strength, 663.
- Maistrie, dominion, 433; supreme power, 535, 742.