- Spryt, spirit, 623.
- Stable, firm, 587.
- Stale, s. stealth, i. e. stealing, robbery, 788.
- Stat, state, condition, 429, 686, 890.
- Staunche, ger. to quell, stay, withhold check, 938; v. to quench,
- Stede, stead, place, 9, 114.
- Stedefast, stedfast, 940.
- Sterne, stern, grim, 52; stern, 349; on which see the note.
- Sternere, sterner, greater, 429.
- Sterres, s. pl. stars, 477. [The seven stars are here the planets, then seven in number. ]
- Sterue, v. to die, starve, 863. A.S. steorfan.
- Sterus, pr. s. steers, goes, 185,
- Stidie, ye studie (Lat. studium non habetis), 898.
- Stifly, firmly, well, 686.
- Stille, quiet, 574, 940; adv. continually, 97.
- Stinte, v. to cease, 97, 530; stop, 143, 161; stinte of, cease from, 530; pr. s. Stinteþ, is quiet, 91.
- Stiren, pr. pl. stir, 487.
- Stiue, pt. s. started, moved hastily, 127.
- Stiue, pl. stiff, violent, 487.
- Stod, pt. s. stood, 114.
- Stomak, stomach, 686.
- Ston, stone, 438, 1138; pl. Stonus, 587.
- Stonde, ger. to stand, 587.
- Storie, s. story, i.e. meaning, 609; pl. Storrius, stories, 467.
- Stormus, storms, 487; Stormys, 923.
- Stounde, time, space of time, 97; season, 898; þat stounde, at that time, 609.
- Stoute, stout, 940; Stouter, 429.
- Straiten, pr. pl. confine, make narrow, oppress, 756.
- Strem, stream, 144, 530.
- Strenke, strength, 532, 674, 936.
- Strenkþen, pr. pl. strengthen, 756.
- Striue, ger. to strive, fight, 756.
- Stronde, s. stream, 140, 151, 165, 530; pl. Strondus, 524,
- Suffre, v. to suffer, 779, 873; to permit, 1056; ger. 75; 1 p. pl. pr. ye suffer, 1094.
- Summe, some, 755, 756, 947, 948, 949; Somme, 757.
- Sur, sure, safe, 9, 991, 1017.
- Sustaine, ger. to sustain, 362, 797.
- Swaginge, assuaging, 921.
- Swainus, pl. swains, men, 855.
- Swan, 719.
- Swangen, pr. pl. flap, 493.
- Swet, sweat, 310.
- Swete, sweetness, 952.
- Swich, such, 221, 443, 719; Swiche, 855, 1097.
- Swimmen, pr. pl. swim, 493.
- Swink, toil, labour, 310, 426, 442; Swine, 921,
- Swinke, ger. to labour at, 855. A.S. swincan.
- Swipe, adv. quickly, 921; very, 719; ful swiþe, very much, 493
- Sykur, safe, sure, 830.
- Syn, since, 77.
- Syte (dissyllabic), a city, 9.
- Ta, for To, to, 475.
- Tach, s. habit, 566; pl. Tacchus, ill habits, 463.
- Take, to take, 854; pr. s. Takus, delivers, 182; imp. Tak, take, 233; pr. pl. Taken 710; 2 p. 566 : pp. Take, taken, caught, 721.
- Tale, tale, story, 190, 365, 469, 1128; account, 66.
- Talken, v. to talk, 148.
- Taried, pp. tarried, i. e. made to linger, hindered, harmed, 132.
- Tariynge, s. tarrying, delay, 818; Tariginge, 240.
- Tast, s. taste, 357.
- Tastinge, taste, 952.
- Tauhte, pt. s. taught, 1077; pp. Tauht, 217.
- Teche, v. to teach, 237; ger. 284.