Page:Alexandrina Victoria - 18th Birthday Tribute.pdf/10

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   Next came the Norman William's gallant power,
Those barons brought a noble dower
Of minstrel harp, and stainless sword,
High courtesy, and knightly word.
Then sea and land had done their best
To grace our Island of the West.
   And never since hath foreign brand
Flash'd over our unconquer'd land;
Never hath rung the tocsin bell,
That other soils have known too well.
Sacred, inviolate, unstain'd,
Have England's fields and hearths remain'd.
Our victories have been won afar,
Our homes have only heard of war.
They gave thy name and since thy birth
Peace, dovelike, broodeth over earth:
Still be its shadow o'er thy throne—
Enough of laurels are our own.*[1]