He true Coppie of a letter found at the ſacking of Cales, written by Don Bernaldino Delgadillo de Avellaneda, Generall of the king of Spaine his Nauie in the weſt Indies, ſent vnto Doctor Peter Flores, Preſident of the Contracton houſe for the Indies, and by him put in Print, with priueledge: wherein is declared manye vntruthes, and falſe reports, tending to the diſgrace of the ſeruice of her Majeſties Nauie, and the Commaunders thereof, lately ſent to the weſt Indies, vnder the Commaund of Sir Frances Drake, and Sir John Hawkins Generals at the Sea; and Sir Thomas Baskeruile Generall at land: with a confutation of diuers groſſe lies and vntruthes, contayned in the ſame letter: together with a ſhort relation of the fight according to the truth.