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Spaniſh Lies.

had no opportunitie to take either water, woode or fleſh, and they are alſo in ſuch bad caſe, that I know not how they will bee able to arriue in England, the number of men we have taken are about 140. and 15. Noble Captaines of their beſt ſort, and ſome of them rich, as well may appeare by their behauiour: I haue no other thing to write at this time. Our Lord keepe you who beſt can, & as I deſire. From the Hauana the 30. of March. 1596

Don Bernaldino Delgadillo
de Avellaneda.

THE Licenctat Don Iohn Barmudes of Figueroa Leiuetenant of the Aſsiſtantes of the Cittie of Cyuill, and the prouince thereof, who doth ſupplie the Office of the Aſsiſ-tant