Spaniardes greatly to heare of the death of him, whoſe life was a ſcourge & coutinuall plague vnto them: But it was a pointe of great ſimplicitie, & ſcarcely beſeeming a Generall, to tie the credite of his reporte locally to any place vppon the report of a ſilly Indian ſiaue. For it had beene ſufficient to haue ſaid, that Fraunces Drake Was certainly dead, without publishing the lye in Print, by naming Nombre de Dios: for it is moſt certaine Sir Fraunces Drake dyed twixt the Iſland of Scouda, and Porte-bella: But the Gencrall being rauiſhed with the ſuddaine ioy of this report as a man that The Generall ſeemeth to wante friendes in Courte, ſending ſuch great newes to a priuate Doctor.hath eſcaped a great daunger of the enemie, doeth breake out into an inſolent kind of bragging of his valour at Sea, and heaping one lye vpon another, doth not ceaſe vntill he hath drawne them, into ſequences, and ſo: doth commende them vnto Peter the Doctor, as cenſour of his learned worke.