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A Libell of
vnto them, but moſt neceſſarie for them to vſe,and therfore not likely they would caſt them ouerboard: But it is moſt likely, that the Generall fell into ſome pleaſent dreame at Sea, wherein hee did ſee a falſe apparition of victorie againſt the Engliſh, & for lacke of matter did ſet this downe in his letter for newes to his countrie: It is ſinne to belye the Deuill, and A commendation of the Generalltherefore the Generall ſhal haue his right, the letter is ſo well contriued, (and yet with no great eloquence) but with ſuch art, that ther are not many more lines, then there are lyes, which ſheweth that there are wonderfull and extraordinarie gifts in the Generall: But I am perſwaded if Don Bernaldino had thought that his letter ſhould haue beene Printed, hee woulde haue omitted many thinges contained in the letter, for the Doctor did vſe him The Generall doth practiſe to lye, for recreation.ſomwhat hardly in ſhewing the letter openly, and more in ſuffering it to be Printed: for friends may like good fellowes ſend lyes one to the other for recreation, andfeed