wee kept our loofe to get the winde, but their Viceadmiral with diuers other
ſhips went about to cut off our Pinna
ſo that our Generall with
ſome other of our Shippes, was forced to tacke about vpon the larbour tacke, and
ſo ranne in towards the land keeping the winde,
ſo as we recouered our Pinna
ſſes, which forced the enemies Shippes to tacke about, and to take the aide of their fleete, and being come neere vnto them they
ſhot at vs, wee
ſtill approched, hauing our clo
ſe fights vp, our flagges, en
ſignes and
ſtreamers displayed, our men orderly placed in each quarter, but forbare our fight vntill our Generall began, and gaue vs warning to come in and fight, by
ſhooting off a great peece, according to his former directions,
ſo being within Muskat
ſhot, the
The incounter twixt the Engliſh and the Spaniſh Ships.Viceadmirall of the Spani
ſh fleete came neere
ſt vnto vs, to whom our Viceadmirall
Iohn Traughton Captaine of the
Elizabeth Bonaduenture gaue fight, betwixt whome there was the greate
ſt volee of