Spaniſh Lies.
falſely lyed, and that I will maintaine againſt him with whatſoeuer Armes he ſhall make choyce of, And becauſe the kingdomes wherein we abide are enemies, by reaſon of which there is no meanes in either of them, to maintaine that I haue written, Let him make choice of any indifferent kingdome, of equall distance from either Realme, and I will there be ready to maintaine as much as I haue written: But if by my imployments into Fraunce, I be ſo ſtayed by her Maieſties Commaundementes, that I cannot out of that Realme meete him in anye other, I cannot ſee why hee ſhoulde take anye exception to that, conſidering the equalitie of the place, and that the