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These rules were ratified in 1919. It proved impossible to carry them out completely owing to the lack of clothes, boots, etc. Since August 1919 the following s supply of industrial and special clothing have been received: 150.000 yards of heavy canvas for special clothing, 150.000 yards of cotton tissue; 173.000 yards of heavy canvas for special clothing, 165.000 yards of various material for general clothing, 70.200 yards of material of various kinds for underwear, 4550 yards of coat material.
In the sphere of labour protection the largest achievement was the organisation of Labour Inspection. At present there are 13 inspectors in the Post and Telegraph Service. One is elected to every three provinces.
In local institutions committees for the protection of labour are formed. According to data of 20 provincial departments,—i. e. about 40%, of all the Governments in Russia—372 Committees for the Protection of Labour have been organised.
These Committees visit the yarious institutions, study the conditions of labour, establish the percentage of noxious influence upon the health of the workers, etc. In 1919 in 20 Government Departments 54 investigations were made. The Union has assigned a premium of 15–20% for the radiotelegraph workers owing to bad conditions of work.
Recently a large quantity of soap has been distributed by the Commissariat for Labour through the committees for Labour Protection; this is very important in view of the prevailing epidemic of typhus and the general scarcity of soap.
At present the Benefit Societies of the Union (each member had to pay 2% of his wages) have been dissolved because the State has taken over the organisation of social maintenance.