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Page:All-Russian Union of Workers on Public Communications (1920).djvu/19

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— 19 —

The publishing work of the Union is concentrated in the Central Committee. The lack of paper in Soviet Russia and the slowness of print prevented the wide development of this activity.

The Union publishes 3 periodicals: „The Post Telegraph and Telephone Worker“, „The Proletariat of Public Communications“ and „The Technical organisation of Public Communications“ apart from this the Union published a series of non periodical literature.

The interests of the Soviet Government and the proletarian revolution are the bases upon which the Union has founded its work and activity. The Union realises that the existence and the liberation of workers of public communications from moral and physical bondage is possible only in the reign of the communist system: the dictatorship of the proletariat opens the way to it. This is the reason why the Union has applied all its forces to the struggle against the white guards. The Central Committee mobilised 50% of its members during the attack of Denikin and Koltchak. The Government Departments mobilised from 10% to 50%; in some instances, e. g. when Youdenitch was advancing upon Petrograd, all the members went to the front.

The narrow bourgeois prejudices of the officials were done away with by means of energetic propaganda and appeals. The proletarian spirit penetrated the mass of workers of public communications. They united in the Allproletarian struggle for communism.

The Communist Party found many adherents in the Union. At present a communist group of the workers of public communications exists in every provincial town; in 1917 there were only a few communists and there existed but one communist group in the Petrograd Post Office.