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The Union of the Petrograd Post Office protested most energetically against this treacherous policy. The Central Committees convened an All-Russian Council of Delegates for the purpose of strengthening its hold the workers which was elected a long before the opening and consisted of monarchist and compromising elements. A Secret Strike Committee was elected at this Council for the purpose of preparing and carrying out a National strike in the event of the dissolution of the National Assembly. The decisions of the Council met with vigorous opposition. A deep breach was made between adherents and opponents of the Soviet Government. The gulf between the two parties was widening. As a result of the struggle of parties in February 1918 an All-Russian Conference of Post and Telegraph Workers sympathising with the Soviet Government met in Petrograd at the invitation of the Committee of the Petrograd General Post Office; the Conference elected a revolutionary Central Committee, because the former Central Committee declined to carry on any negotiations. Thus two centres were opposing each other and the struggle became extremely acute. The revolutionary Central Committee decreed to call an All-Russian Congress on April 15th. 1918, while the old Central Committee did the same for March 1st.: but the latter was, thanks to the efforts of the Revolutionary Committee, dissolved.
In April and May 1918 the Congress, convened by the Revolutionary Central Committee, took place; about 280 delegates were present: 120 were communists sympathisers, 92 left social revolutionists and their sympathisers, 13 anarchists; the rest were non party members. The social-democrats, constitutional democrats and social-revolutionists formed the „business“ group of trade-unionists. The Congress, under the direction of the