Page:All Over Oregon and Washington.djvu/283

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iarly sensitive temperament, may suffer from the same cause. But the age attained by the original settlers of the country, shows well for the general salubrity of the climate of every portion of it. The rate of mortality for Oregon in 1860 was one in 173—the lowest death-rate in any of the States. In 1870 it was one in 155, or about the same as Minnesota.

One peculiarity of the climate of every part of Oregon and Washington, is, the comparative coolness of the nights. No matter how warm the days may have been, the nights always bring refreshing sleep, usually under a pair of blankets, even in summer. Nor does the heat, however great, have that fatal effect which it does in the Atlantic States. Not only men, but cattle and horses, can endure to labor without exhaustion in the hottest days of summer; and sun-strokes are of very rare occurrence.