Page:All Over Oregon and Washington.djvu/50

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"castled crags of Drachenfels." We, for our private satisfaction, name it Castle Mountain, and try to forget that it has another name.

As we round the high, wooded point which hides Astoria from sight, as it must, also, shelter it from south-west storms, we observe that the banks are covered with a most luxuriant growth of shrubs of many varieties, and promise ourselves a ramble along a just visible "trail" at an early day, in order to ascertain whether or not they are as beautiful close at hand, as they are in the distance.

Our eyes are engaged, in another moment, with some glimpses of our destined port. Very shortly, the Grant comes alongside a great wharf, and seeking her own slip, makes fast; and, the tide being out, we clamber up cautiously a steep incline, to the level of the Astorians.