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you see. And the more insignificant a man has been in civil life the worse it takes him.”

“They say, of course, there must be discipline,” ventures Kropp meditatively.

“True,” growls Kat, “they always do. And it may be so; still it oughtn’t to become an abuse. But you try to explain that to a blacksmith or a labourer or a workman, you try to make that clear to a simple soldier—and that’s what most of them are here. All he understands is that he has been properly trained so that when he comes up to the front he thinks he knows exactly what he should do in every circumstance and what not. It’s simply amazing, I tell you, that the ordinary soldier survives so long up here in the front-line. Simply amazing!”

No one protests. Everyone knows that drill ceases only in the front-line and begins again a few miles behind, with all the absurdities of saluting and parade. It is an iron law that the soldier must be employed under every circumstance.

Here Tjaden comes up with a flushed face. He is so excited that he stutters. Beaming with satis­faction he stammers out: “Himmelstoss is on his way. He’s coming to the front!”

Tjaden has a special grudge against Himmelstoss,