Page:All for love- or, The world well lost. A tragedy as it is acted at the Theatre-Royal; and written in imitation of Shakespeare's stile. By John Dryden, servant to His Majesty (IA allforloveorworl00indryd).pdf/30

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All for LOVE; or,

Enter Ventidius, talking aside with a Gentleman of Antony's.

Serap.These Romans will o'rehear us.
But, Who's that Stranger? By his warlike port,
His fierce demeanor, and erected look,
He's of no vulgar note.

Alex.O 'tis Ventidius,
Our Emp'rors great Lieutenant in the East,
Who first show'd Rome that Parthia could be conquer'd.
When Antony return'd from Syria last,
He left this Man to guard the Roman Frontiers.

Serap.You seem to know him well.

Alex.Too well. I saw him in Cilicia first,
When Cleopatra there met Antony:
A mortal foe he was to us, and Ægypt.
But, let me witness to the worth I hate,
A braver Roman never drew a Sword.
Firm to his Prince; but, as a friend, not slave.
He ne'r was of his pleasures; but presides
O're all his cooler hours and morning counsels:
In short, the plainness, fierceness, rugged virtue
Of an old true-stampt Roman lives in him.
His coming bodes I know not what of ill
To our affairs. Withdraw, to mark him better;
And I'll acquaint you why I sought you here,
And what's our present work. [They withdraw to a corner of
the Stage; and
with the other, comes forwards
to the front

Ventidius.Not see him, say you?
I say, I must and will.

Gent.He has commanded,
On pain of death, none should approach his presence:

Ven.I bring him news will raise his drooping Spirits,
Give him new life.

Gent.He sees not Cleopatra.

Ven.Would he had never seen her.

Gent.He eats not, drinks not, sleeps not, has no use
Of any thing, but thought; or, if he talks,
'Tis to himself, and then 'tis perfect raving:
Then he defies the World, and bids it pass;
Sometimes he gnaws his Lip, and Curses loud
The Boy Octavius; then he draws his mouth
