Was introduced. " O summer guest ! This is our baby, Louie."
I look back on my journal now
To scratch out what is written Of fear and dread. I nothing fear
From "baby" now except the mitten. I am not sure, I dare not ask,
Lest she might scorn me, maybe, If I should offer heart and hand
Most humbly to "the baby."
VERY early in the morning Of the new week s dawning day, Like one blessed, past the angels Baby darling stole away.
Was there ever softer summons, Sweeter time on earth, than this,
For a creature surely ransomed To receive the heavenly kiss ?
True, we saw no shining angels
When their broad wings, wide and white, Swept the cradle, cold and empty,
Just as dawn bloomed out of night
Heard no clear angelic voices, Such as thrilled on Mary s ear:
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