Page:All these things added .. (IA allthesethingsa00alle).pdf/19

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When I am pure
I shall have solved the mystery of life,
I shall be sure
When I am free from hatred, lust and strife,
I am in Truth, and Truth abides in me.
I shall be safe and sane and wholly free
When I am pure.

IT has been said that the laws of Nature are cruel; it has likewise been said that they are kind. The one statement is the result of dwelling exclusively upon the fiercely competitive aspect of Nature; the other results from viewing only the protective and kindly aspect. In reality, natural laws are neither cruel or kind; they are absolutely just—are, in fact, the outworking of the indestructible principle of justice itself.

The cruelty, and consequent suffering, which is so prevalent in Nature, is not inherent in the heart and substance of life; it is a passing phase of evolution, a painful