Page:Allan Tine o' Harrow (1).pdf/4

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Says I, my Lord, your gold I want,
Make no delay, but give it,
For if you don't ’tis my intent,
By powder and ball to have it.

I clapt my pistol to his breast,
Which made him for to shiver,
Five hundred pounds in ready gold
To me he did deliver.
His gold, repeating watch likewise,
To me he did surrender

I thought it a most gallant prize,
When he this gold did tender.
With part of this said money I got,
I bought a famous gelding,
That over a five bar gate could jump,
I bought him from Mr Fielding.
When I was mounted on my steed,
I looked most bold and daring,
Then to the road I set with speed,
No man I now was fearing.

That night I robb'd lord Arkinstone,
Nigh unto Covent-Garden,
And two or three hours ofter that,

I robb’d the Earl of Warren.