Page:Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. U.S. Food and Drug Administration (5th Cir. Apr. 12, 2023).pdf/7

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Event Citation Description
2000 Approval FDA Add. 181–91 Approved mifepristone with these REMS: (1) pregnancies under 50 days gestation; (2) three in-person office visits; (3) supervision of a qualified physician; and (4) reporting of all adverse events
2002 Citizen Petition PI App. 280–375 Plaintiffs’ challenge to 2000 Approval
2016 Petition Denial FDA Add. 804–36 FDA denial of 2002 Citizen Petition
2016 Major REMS Changes FDA Add. 768, 777–802 FDA changed four of the 2000 Approval’s REMS: (1) increased maximum gestational age to 70 days; (2) reduced required in-person office visits to one; (3) allowed non-doctors to prescribe and administer mifepristone; and (4) eliminated reporting of non-fatal adverse events
2019 Citizen Petition FDA Add. 192–217 Plaintiffs’ challenge to 2016 Major REMS Changes
2019 Generic Approval PI App. 694–708 FDA ANDA Approval Letter for mifepristone generic to GenBioPro, Inc.
2021 Mail-Order Decision PI App. 713–15 FDA announces “enforcement discretion” to allow mifepristone to be dispensed through the mail during COVID-19
2021 Petition Denial FDA Add. 837–76 FDA denial of almost all of the 2019 Citizen Petition, including plaintiffs’ request to keep the in-person dispensing requirements
2023 Mail-Order Decision FDA permanently removed the in-person dispensing REMS