Page:Aloway Kirk, or, Tam O' Shanter (NLS104186395).pdf/8

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When plundering herde assail their byke;
As open pussies mortal, foes
When pop, she starts before their noſe:
As eager rins the market croud,
When "Catch the thief" resounde aloud:
So Maggie rins, the witches follow
Wi' mony an elderie shout and hollo.—

Ah Tam! ah Tam! thou'l get thy fairing!
In hell they'll roast thee like a herring
In vain tby KATE awaits this coming!
KATE soon will be a waefu' woman!
Now, do thy speedy utmost MEG,
And win the keyſtane o' the brig;
There at them thou thy tail may toss,
A running ſtream they darena cross;
But ere the keyſtane she could make,
The fient a tall she had to shake!
For Nanny, far before the rest,
Hard upon noble Maggie's prest,
And flew at Tam wi furious ettle,
But little kend she Maggie mettle:
Ae spring brought aff her Master hale,
But left behind hier aingry tail;
The Carlin caught her by the rump,
And left poor Maggie scarce a stump—

Now, wha this tale o truth shall read
Ilk man and mother's son take heed:
Whene'er to drink you are inclin'
Or Cutty Sarks rin in your mind,
Think—ye may buy the joys o'er dear
Remember Tam O'Shanter's Mare.