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Barcroft, Charles, s. Robert, of Whetstone, Middlesex, pleb. St. Edmund Hall, matric. 26 April, 1688, aged 22; one of these names vicar of Colyton Rawleigh, Devon, 1690, and father of Richard 1712. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Barcroft, Hugh, B.A. from Sydney Sussex Coll., Cambridge, 1623, incorp. as M.A. 10 July, 1627, D.D., rector of Wyberton, co. Lincoln, 1638, and of South Hykeham 1639, canon of Lincoln 1661 until his death before 25 Oct., 1669. See Le Neve, ii. 217; & Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Barcroft, John, s. Ambrose, of Colne, co. Lancaster, pleb. Brasenose Coll., matric. 15 Feb., 1632-3, aged 18; B.A. 20 Oct., 1635, M.A. 3 July, 1638, rector of Roughton, co. Lincoln, 1639. See Foster's Index.

Barcroft, John, s. J., of Westminster, arm. Oriel Coll., matric. 20 March, 1673-4, aged 17.

Barcroft, Paul, s. William, of London, doctoris. New Coll., matric. 14 Oct., 1712, aged 18; fellow, died 8 Jan., 1715-16, aged 23 (sic). See Gutch., i. 213.

Barcroft, Richard, s. Charles, of Colyton Rawleigh, Devon, cler. Hart Hall, matric. 10 April, 1712, aged 19; B.A. from Merton Coll. 1716. [6]

Barcrofte, Robert, of co. Lancaster, pleb. University Coll., matric. 16 Oct., 1601, aged 14; B.A. from Corpus Christi Coll. 20 June, 1605, M.A. 18 March, 1608-9, B.D. 18 June, 1617, D.D. 18 July, 1623.

Barcroft, Thomas, s. William, of Barcroft, co. Lancaster, pleb. Brasenose Coll., matric. 5 Dec., 1623, aged 18; B.A. 26 Oct., 1626, M.A. 7 July, 1631. See Whitaker's Whalley, ii. 219.

Barcroft, William, of co. Lincoln, 'cler. fil.' Corpus Christi Coll., matric. 9 Nov., 1621, aged 17, B.A. 15 Feb., 1624-5; M.A. from Pembroke Coll., 1 June, 1627, vicar of Hawburgh, co. Lincoln, 1631. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Bard, Christopher, gent. Wadham Coll., matric. 8 Dec., 1658, bar.-at-law, Inner Temple, 1666, as son of Maximilian, of London, arm.; brother of Nathaniel. See Foster's Judges and Barristers.

Bard, Col. Henry, nominated to be created D.C.L. in 1643, royalist colonel, governor of Worcester, educated at Eton and King's College, Cambridge, knighted 22 Nov., 1643, had a warrant for baronetcy 8 Oct., 1644, created Viscount Bellomont 18 July, 1645, died in 1660. See Fasti, ii. 66. [11]

Bard, Maximilian, s. Thomas, of London, arm. Lincoln Coll., matric. 26 March, 1680, aged 16: a student of Middle Temple 1683, baptized at St. Peter's, Cheapside, 12 Dec., 1663, nephew of Christopher. See Foster's Inns of Court Reg.

Bard, Nathaniel, s. Maxim., of London, gent. Wadham Coll., matric. 12 July, 1661, aged 17; B.A. 1664, bar.-at-law, Gray's Inn 1671. See Foster's Gray's Inn Admissions.

Bard, William, arm. Balliol Coll., matric. 15 Dec., 1651; of North Kelsey, co. Lancaster (son of William, of East Hall, co. Lincoln), born 1636, died May, 1674.

Bardney, Richard, 1504. See Ath., i. 8. [15]

Bardolfe, Thomas, fellow of New Coll., 1518-22, from Titchfield, Hants; B.A. 14 July, 1522.

Bardsey, George, B.A. from Queen's Coll., Cambridge, 1622, fellow 1625, D.D. 1638, incorp. 12 Aug., 1645, vicar of Arkesden, Essex, 1635, died at Oxford in Jan., 1645, buried 20th in the College Chapel of St. Michael's, Northgate, Oxford. See Fasti, ii. 81; Walker's Sufferings, ii. 190; & Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Bardsey, James created B.D. in convocation, 17 Oct., 1643, rector of Hickling, Notts, 1641. See Foster's Index; Fasti, ii. 60; & Add. MS., 15,670.

Bardsley, Philip, s. 'Jon,' of Macclesfield, Cheshire, pleb. Brasenose Coll., matric. 29 March, 1672, aged 28; B.A. from Hart Hall 1675.

Bardsley, Richard, of Oriel Coll. 1669. See Beardsley. [20]

Barfelde, John, of London, pleb. Exeter Coll., matric. 2 July, 1585, aged 12.

Barefielde, Lewis, of London, pleb. Balliol Coll., matric.-entry under date 2 May, 1581, aged 18; fellow of Exeter Coll. 1583-92, B.A. 6 July, 1586, M.A. 28 June, 1589, vicar of Heston, Middlesex, 1591, and of Great Dunmow, Essex, 1594. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus & Boase, 48.

Barefoote, Francis, of Hants, pleb. St. Mary Hall, matric. 27 Nov., 1581, aged 18.

Barfoot, George of Essex, gent.; B.A. from Christ's Coll., Cambridge, 1576; incorp. from Broadgates Hall 23 Nov., 1581, aged 24, M.A. 20 June, 1582, rector of Fyfield, Essex, 1578.

Barfoot, Henry, gent. New Coll., matric. 17 July, 1675; B.A. 1679, M.A. 15 Jan., 1682-3, rector of Birchanger, Essex, 1684. See Foster's Index. [25]

Barefoot, James, B.A. from Pembroke Coll. 4 July, 1655.

Barfoote, James, s. William, of Stanton Harcourt, Oxon, pleb. Lincoln Coll., matric. 22 March, 1677-8, aged 14; B.A. 1681, M.A. 1684.

Barefoote, John (Barfote), from Hampton, scholar of Corpus Christi Coll. 1562, B.A. 3 April, 1566, fellow 1566, M.A. 27 May, 1570, B.D. 3 July, 1576, D.D. 19 Jan., 1578-9, rector of North Cray, Kent, 1576, of Rand, co. Lincoln, 1583, and of Beckingham 1585, archdeacon of Lincoln 1581, canon 1582, made his will 26 July, 1595, proved 28 Jan. following. See Le Neve, ii. 47; Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus; Fasti, i. 210; & O.H.S., xii. 64.

Barfoot, John, fellow of New Coll. 1564-75, from Southley, Oxon; B.A. 12 July, 1568, M.A. 27 June, 1572, B.Med. and licenced to practice 8 March, 1577-8, D.Med. 11 July, 1581. See O.H.S., xii. 21.

Barfote, John, s. (John), of Dorset, D.Med. Brasenose Coll., matric. 20 May, 1603, aged 15; B.A. from Balliol Coll. 26 Oct., 1605, M.A. 26 Oct., 1609, rector and vicar of Itchenstoke, Hants, 1605, vicar of Great Ludford, co. Lincoln, 1613. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus. [30]

Barfoote, John, of co. Lincoln, pleb. Broadgates Hall, matric. 5 (B.A. 10th) May, 1620, aged 20.

Barfootte, Robert, s. H., of Basingstoke, Hants, gent. New Coll., matric. 13 Aug., 1681, aged 19; B.A. 1685, M.A. 14 Jan., 1688-9.

Barfoote, Thomas, s. James, of Staunton Harcourt, Oxon, pleb. Pembroke Coll., matric. 22 Nov., 1639, aged 17; B.A. 2 Dec., 1643, M.A. 4 July, 1646.

Barford, Richard, s. Tho., of Wormleighton, co. Warwick, minister. Magdalen Coll., matric. 1 Dec., 1669, aged 17; B.A. from Magdalen Hall 1673, M.A. 1676, rector of Wilton St. Mary, Wilts, 1678, and of Long Newnton 1702, brother of the next named. See Foster's Index & Le Neve, ii. 664.

Barford, Thomas, s. Thomas, of Wormleighton, co. Warwick, minister. Trinity Coll., matric. 12 Dec., 1661, aged 17; clerk of Magdalen Coll. 1664-7, B.A. 1665, chaplain 1667-72, M.A. 1668, rector of Fovant, Wilts, 1674-1701, and of Chilmarcke 16861701, preb. of Salisbury 1679, prebendal vicar of North Newnton, Wilts, 1674, died in 1701. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus & Bloxam, ii. 74. [35]

Barford, Thomas, B.A. from New Coll. 27 Oct., 1708, vicar of North Newnton, Wilts, 1711, and of Winterbourne Stoke 1711, rector of Chalbury, Dorset, 1714, vicar of Horton with Knowlton, Dorset, 1719. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Barford, William, s. John, of Woodloe, co. Warwick, pleb. All Souls' Coll., matric. 6 June, 1634, aged 19; B.A. 24 May, 1636, M.A. 26 March, 1639.

Bargrave, Isaac (Bargar), B.A. from Clare Coll., Cambridge, 1604 (incorp. as M.A. 12 July, 1608, and again 9 July, 1611), D.D. 1622 (son of Robert, of Bridge, Kent), rector of Chartham, Kent, chaplain to Prince Charles and when he became king, 'pastor' of St. Margaret's Church in Westminster, canon of Canterbury 1622, dean 1625, rector of Eythorne 1614, vicar of Tenterden 1626, of Lydd 1627, and of Chartham 1628, until he died Jan., 1642-3. See Foster's Index; D.N.B.; & Fasti, i. 345.

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