Page:Alumni Oxonienses (1500-1714) volume 1.djvu/277

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Calcot, John, of Cheshire, gent. Brasenose Coll., matric.-entry under date 20 July, 1578, aged 17.

Calcott, Randle, s. Thomas, of Calcott, co. Chester, pleb. Magdalen Hall., matric. 16 April, 1624, aged 18; B.A. 7 July, 1625, M.A. 13 May, 1628, query created D.D. 12 April, 1648, as Caldicott; see below.

Calcot, Richard, s. Henry, of Ford, Salop, sacerd. Merton Coll., matric. 24 Oct., 1628, aged 18; B.A. 10 Feb., 1628-9 (? M.A. from Hart Hall 11 June, 1634, as John).

Calcot, Robert (Caulcotte or Caucott), demy of Magdalen Coll., 1560-6; B.A. (sup. 9 March) 1565-6. See Bloxam, iv. 161.

Calcott, Thomas, of Oxon, pleb. Broadgates Hall, matric. 27 June, 1617, aged 21; B.A. 24 Nov., 1617.

Calcraft, Richard, s. R., of Grantham, co. Lincoln, pleb. Magdalen Coll., matric. 22 March, 1672-3, aged 15; B.A. 1676. [6],

Caldicott, (—), created D.D. 12 April, 1648; Randle Caldecott, D.D., instituted to rectory of Hayes, Middlesex, 1 June, 1664, father of Philip, 1676. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Caldecutt, John, s. William, of co. Chester, gent. Oriel Coll., matric. 18 March, 1669-70, aged 17, B.A. 1673; fellow Brasenose Coll., M.A. 3 June, 1676, died at Oxford 26 Nov., 1676. See Gutch, i. 378.

Caldecott, Mathias (Calldicott), s. Clement, of Withyham, Sussex, gent. Oriel Coll., matric. 28 May, 1639, aged 17, student of the Inner Temple 1643. See Foster's Inns of Court Reg.

Caldecott, Philip, s. Randle, of Bishops Stoke, Wilts, s.t.d. Brasenose Coll., matric. 2 March, 1675-6, aged 17; of Lincoln's Inn 1677, licenced 16 May, 1679, to marry Henrietta Eyre, of St. Bride's, London, spinster. See Foster's Inns of Court Reg. [10],

Caldicott, William, s. Henry, of Hereford (city), p.p. Brasenose Coll., matric. 15 Nov., 1667, aged 17; B.A. 1671, rector of Turnaston, and vicar of Vowchurch, 1672, vicar of Bodenham 1677, all co. Hereford. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Caldey, John, B.A. 27 June 1531.

Caldwall , See also Caudwell.

Caldwall, Ambrose, s. John, of Dudlee, Salop, pleb. Balliol Coll., matric. 21 Oct., 1708, aged 17.

Caldwell, Edward, of Christ Church, 1555; B.A. 1 July, 1560. [15],

Caldwall, Edward, s. E., of Dudlick, Salop, pleb. Madgalen Hall, matric. 20 Nov., 1668, aged 17; B.A. 1672, vicar of Stottesdon, Salop, 1675, father of the next named. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Caldwall, Edward, s. E(dward), of Stodesdon, Salop, gent. Pembroke Coll., matric. 2 March, 1698-9, aged 17.

Caldwell, Richard (Cauldwell or Calwale), 'a Staffordshire man born'), of Brasenose Coll., circa. 1530; B.A. 20 July, 1533, fellow. M.A. 12 March, 1538-9, a senior student of Christ Church 1547, B.Med., and admitted to practice 9 March, 1554-5, D.Med. 29 July, 1555, fellow of College of Physicians 1559, president 1570, buried in St. Benet's Paul's Wharf, 1584. See Ath. Ox., i. 510; Munk's Roll, 59; & D.N.B.

Caldwall, Richard, of co. Stafford, pleb. Merton Coll., matric. 24 Oct., 1600, aged 15; B.A. 1 March, 1605-6, M.A. from Balliol Coll. 4 July, 1610, then in orders, rector of Normanton on Soar, Notts, 1628. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Caldwall, Thomas, 'serv. D. James.' Christ Church, matric. 18 Oct., 1584; called Cawdwell in Mat. Reg. [20],

Caldwell, Thomas, s. Thomas, of Wandsworth, Surrey, gent., admitted to St. John's Coll., Cambridge, 19 May, 1634, aged 17; B.A. from Magdalen Hall 6 March, 1640-1. See Mayor, 17.

Caldwall, William, of co. Stafford, pleb. University Coll., matric. 23 July, 1596, aged 17; B.A. 13 Nov., 1598.

Caldwell, William, B.A. from New Inn Hall 17 Dec., 1654, M.A. 8 June, 1657, see also Caudwell.

Caldwell, William, s. William, p.p. Christ Church, matric. 22 May, 1667, aged 16; B.A. 18 Jan., 1670-1, vicar of Milwich, co. Stafford, 1673, and of Sandon, co. Stafford, 1681. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Caldwell, William,Christ Church 1680. See Caudwell. [25],

Cale, Edmund, s. Weeley, of Storrington, Sussex, cler. New Coll., matric. 7 May, 1706, aged 18; B.A. 2 March, 1709-10, vicar of Ludham, Norfolk, 1718, and of Potter Heigham, Norfolk, 1718, brother of William 1713. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Cale, Gilbert, s. Thomas, of Bristol, pleb. Wadham Coll., matric. 29 Nov., 1678, aged 17; scholar 1677, born in the parish of Christ Church, Bristol. See Gardiner, 314.

Cale, Peter (Calle), s. Sam., of Exeter, pleb. Exeter Coll., matric. 14 March, 1667-8, aged 17; B.A. from Wadham Coll. 1671.

Cale, Weeley, s. William, of Hamden, co. Gloucester, pleb. New Coll., matric. 16 Dec., 1670, aged 15; B.A. 1680, M.A. 14 Jan., 1683-4, rector of Broughton, Oxon, 1685, canon of Chichester 1692, and rector of Storrington, Sussex, 1692, father of Edmund 1706, and of the next named. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Cale, William, s. Weeley, of Storrington, Sussex, cler. New Coll., matric. 9 Dec., 1713, aged 19; brother of Edmund 1706. [30],

Calendar, Daniel, M.A. from St. Andrew's University, incorp. 21 Oct., 1605.

Calendrinus, Cæsar, of Exeter Coll., B.D. 18 July, 1620, rector of Stapleford Abbots, Essex, 1620. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus & Fasti, i. 393.

Caley, John, M.A., principal of Magdalen Hall 1511-26.

Calf hill, See also Caulfeild, page 251.

Calf hill, James (Calfill, Calfeld, or Calfide), 5 years at Eton, thence to Cambridge, student of Christ Church 1548, B.A. (sup.) 1548-9, M.A. (sup.) 1551-2, B.D. 12 Dec., 1561, canon of Christ Church 1561, Margaret professor of divinity 1564-5, D.D. 18 Feb., 1565-6, rector of West Horsley, Surrey, 1559, and of St. Andrew Wardrobe, London, 1562, canon and penitentiary of St. Paul's, etc., 1562, rector of West Horsley, Surrey, 1568, rector or dean of Bocking, Essex, 1565, archdeacon of Colchester 1565, until his death 20 Aug., 1570, buried at Bocking on the 22nd according to the register. See Cooper, i. 285; Ath., i. 377; D.N.B.; & Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus. [35],

Calf hill, James, of Middlesex, pleb. Christ Church, matric. 20 Nov., 1581, aged 16; B.A. 5 Feb., 1583-4, M.A. 22 June, 1587, vicar of Durham St. Oswald 1593. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Calf hill, John, of Essex, pleb. Christ Church, matric. 23 April, 1586, aged 18; (called Calfield in Mat. Reg.) student 1585 (from Westminster School), B.A. 3 June, 1589, M.A. 24 April, 1592, rector of Redmarshal, co. Durham, 1599, canon of Durham 1607, until his death in 1619. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus & Alumni West., 59.

Calkin, William, s. William, of Waberton, Cheshire, pleb. Brasenose Coll., matric. 23 March, 1701-2, aged 17; B.A. 1705.

Calladon, Theodore, D.Med. by diploma 20 Dec., 1670. See Colladon.

Callaghan, Denis (Calakan), B.C.L. & B.Can.L. 30 June, 1505. [40],

Callaway, Richard, s. Thomas, of Chichester, Sussex, sacerd. Magdalen Hall, matric. 27 June, 1634, aged 17; B.A. 15 Oct., 1636, M.A. 15 June, 1639.

Calliopius, (Archdeacon of Thrace), created M.A. 1 Sept., 1701 (Cat. Grads.).

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