Page:Alumni Oxonienses (1500-1714) volume 1.djvu/279

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Calverley, (Sir) Hugh (Caulveley), s. George, of Legh Offord, Cheshire, militis. Brasenose Coll., matric. 9 Dec., 1631, aged 18; of Lea Hall, Cheshire, high sheriff, knighted 25 Sept., 1642, died 4 April, 1648, brother of Richard 1635. See Ormerod's Cheshire, ii. 420.

Calverley, John, fellow of All Souls' Coll., B.C.L. 26 June, 1555 (son of Sir Walter Calverley), rector of Stone, Kent, 1559, of Beckenham, Kent, 1561, and of Cliffe at Hoo 1572, archdeacon of Rochester 1574, until his death 1576. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus; Yorkshire Collections; & Fasti, i. 146.

Calverley, (Sir) John, of co. Durham. University Coll., matric. 15 June, 1588, aged 17 (as arm.); of Eryholme, co. Durham (only son of Thomas, of Littleburne, chancellor of Durham), a student of Lincoln's Inn 1590, knighted 23 April, 1617, died 12 May, 1638, buried at Brancepeth 13th, father of Timothy and of the next named. See Foster's Yorkshire Collections.

Calverley, John, of co. Durham, militis. fil. Queen's Coll., matric. 13 Nov., 1618, aged 15; B.A. 7 June, 1621, of Eryholme, co. Durham, a student of Lincoln's Inn 1623 (as son and heir of Sir John, of Littleborne, co. Durham), buried 1 May, 1660, aged 58, father of Henry 1655, and of John next named. See Foster's Yorkshire Collections & Inns of Court Reg.

Calverley, John, gent. Queen's Coll., matric. 25 July, 1655; a student of Gray's Inn 1658 (and migrated to the Middle Temple 1659) as son and heir of John, of Eryholme, co. Durham, esq., brother of Henry same date. See Foster's Inns of Court Reg. [5],

Calverley, Richard, of Lincoln Coll. 1577. See Coverley.

Calveley, Richard, s. George, of Lea, Cheshire, equitis. Brasenose Coll., matric. 30 Jan., 1634-5, aged 18; brother of Hugh 1631.

Calverley, Thomas (Caulveley), of co. Chester, gent. Brasenose Coll., matric. 22 April, 1586, aged 17; bar.-at-law, Lincoln's Inn, 1595. See Foster's Judges and Barristers.

Calverley, Timothy, s. John, of Littlebourne. co. Durham, militis. Queen's Coll., matric. 11 Oct., 1622, aged 15, B.A. 7 July, 1625; B.C.L. from St. Alban Hall 29 July, 1629, brother of John 1618.

Calverley, Walter, arm. Queen's Coll., matric. 10 Nov., 1651; of Calverley, Yorks, admitted to Gray's Inn 1653 (as son and heir of Henry, late of Calverley, co. York, deceased), nominated a knight of the royal oak by Charles II., treasurer for lame soldiers 1666, born 20 July, 1629, died 10 Nov., 1691, father of the next named. See Foster's Yorkshire Collection. [10],

Calverley, (Sir) Walter, s. (Walter), of Esholt, co. York, arm. Queen's Coll., matric. 30 June, 1687, aged 17; of Calverley and Esholt, Yorks, created a baronet 11 Dec., 1711, died 17 Oct., 1749. See Foster's Yorkshire Collection.

Calverley, William (Calvlye), of co. Worcester, gent. St. Edmund Hall, matric.-entry under date 10 Jan., 1574-5, aged 27.

Calverley, William, of Yorks. All Souls' Coll., matric.-entry under date 22 Dec., 1576, aged 17; of Calverley, Yorks (son of Sir Walter), a recusant, died 1 Oct., 1596. For a suggested identity see Robinson, i. 11.

Calvert, Cecil, s. (George), eq. aur., and privy councillor to James I. Trinity Coll., matric. 16 July, 1621, aged 15; 2nd Baron Baltimore (1632), buried at St. Giles-in-the-Fields, Middlesex, 7 Dec., 1675,

Calverte, George, of Yorks, pleb. Trinity Coll., matric. 28 June, 1594, aged 14; B.A. 23 Feb., 1596-7, a student in municipal law, created M.A. 30 Aug., 1605, entered Lincoln's Inn 1595 (son of Leonard Calvert, by Alice his wife, daughter of John Crosland, of Crosland), born at Kipling, Yorks, secretary to Sir Robert Cecill, secretary of state; a clerk of the council, knighted at Hampton Court 29 Sept., 1617, secretary of state to the King 15 Feb., 1618-19-24, M.P. Bossiney 1609-11, Yorkshire 1621-2, Oxford University 1624-5, created Baron Baltimore 16 Feb., 1624, obtained a grant of Maryland from Charles I., father of Cecil last named, and died 15 April, 1632, buried in St. Dunstan-inthe-West. See Ath., ii. 522; & D.N.B. [15],

Calvert, John, B.A. from Trinity Coll., Cambridge, 1692, M.A. 1702, incorp. 13 July, 1703, rector of Gissing, Norfolk, 1694, vicar of Stanwell, Middlesex, 1697, and of Salehurst, Sussex, 1728. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Calvert, Matthew, 'ser.' University Coll., matric. 2 July, 1658; B.A. 28 Jan., 1661-2, M.A. 1665.

Calvert, Robert, of Yorks, pleb. Magdalen Coll., matric.-entry under date 1571, aged 20; clerk 1572-6. See Bloxam, ii. 41.

Calvert, Sampson, s. George, of Meere, Somerset, sacerd. St. Edmund Hall, matric. 23 Jan., 1623-4, aged 20; B.A. 14 Feb., 1624-5, entered Merchant Taylors' School 1618. See Robinson, i. 94.

Calwoodleigh, John, s. Bartholomew, of Uplowman, Devon, gent. Exeter Coll., matric. 9 Dec., 1636, aged 20; a student of the Inner Temple 1639. [20],

Camborne, Robert, s. Robert, of Shephardswell, Kent, pleb. St. John's Coll., matric. 18 Nov., 1625, aged 18; B.A. 12 Feb., 1628-9; incorp. at Cambridge 1638, rector of Ash-juxta-Campsey, Suffolk, 1637. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Camden, Richard, scholar of New Coll. 1570. See Cadonne, page 229.

Camden, William, B.A. from Christ Church 6 March, 1573-4, sup. for M.A. in June, 1588, on 30 March, 1614, Convocation granted that he might be created M.A., but no record has been discovered of his having been actually created, author of the 'Britannia' (son of Sampson Camden, citizen and painter-stainer of London, and a native of Lichfield), from St. Paul's School he went as a servitor to Magdalen Coll. 1566, migrated to Broadgates Hall, and graduated from Christ Church, admitted to the Inner Temple 20 Feb., 1570-1, under-master Westminster School 1575-93, head-master 1593-1610, preb. of Salisbury of 1589, clarencieux king of arms 1597, founder of the Camden professorship of history at Oxford, born in the Old Bailey 2 May, 1551, died at Chiselhurst 9 Nov., 1623, buried in Westminster Abbey 19th. See Alumni West., 12; St. Paul's School Reg., 24; Bloxam, i. 17; Ath., ii. 339; & D.N.B.

Came, Thomas, of Devon, pleb. Exeter Coll., matric. 15 June, 1588, aged 18; B.A. 3 Feb., 1591-2, fellow 1592-1606, M.A. 12 Nov., 1594. See Boase, 50.

Campbell, Hon. Archibald, son of Neil, of Ardmaddie, co. Argyle, and grandson of Archibald, Marquis of Argyle. M.A. Edinburgh 1692; incorp. University Coll. 10 Oct., 1693, bishop of the Scottish Episcopal Church, consecrated at Dundee 1711, chosen bishop of Aberdeen 1721-4, died in London 15 June, 1744. See Ath., i. p. cxvii.; Rawlinson, v. 301; & D.N.B.

Cambell, Edward, M.A. Cambridge; incorp. 11 July, 1609. [26],

Cambell, (Sir) Henry, 'Bart.,' s. Thomas, of Barking, Essex. Christ Church, matric. 15 June, 1680, aged 16; 3rd baronet, of the Middle Temple 1680, died 23 May, 1699. See Foster's Inns of Court Reg.

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