Page:Alumni Oxonienses (1500-1714) volume 1.djvu/281

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Cane, Joseph, s. Henry, of Little Hillingdon, Middlesex, gent. St. Edmund Hall, matric. 12 March, 1691-2, aged 17; B.A. from Magdalen Hall 5 Dec., 1695, M.A. 17 Nov., 1698, vicar of Shiplake, Oxon, 1710, rector of Ludgarshall, Bucks, 1730. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Cane, Richard, of Berks, pleb. Exeter Coll., matric. 28 June, 1616, aged 15.

Cannar , See Canner below & Cunnar.

Canne, Jasper, 'serv.' New Inn Hall, matric. 1 April, 1656; B.A. 1659, vicar of Witney, Oxon, 1663, and of Tavistock, Devon, 1673 (as Gaspar), father of Jasper and Thomas. See Foster's Index.

Canne, Jasper, s. 'G.' (? 'Gasparus'), of Witney, Oxon, cler. New Inn Hall, matric. 11 March, 1686-7, aged 18; brother of Thomas same date.

Cann, (Sir) Robert, 1s. Thomas, of Westbury, co. Gloucester, equitis. Christ Church, matric. 27 June, 1700, aged 17; (his father of Bristol, and knighted at Whitehall 18 April, 1680) 4th baronet, high sheriff co. Glamorgan 1726, died unmarried in Jan., 1748, brother of William 1706. [6],

Canne, Thomas, s. 'Gaspar,' of Witney, Oxon, cler. Queen's Coll., matric. 7 March, 1686-7, aged 17; brother of Jasper same date.

Cann, (Sir) William, y.s. (Thomas), of Stoke, co. Gloucester, equitis. Hart Hall, matric. 22 April, 1706, aged 17; 5th baronet, admitted to the Middle Temple 1707, town clerk of Bristol, died 29 March, 1753, brother of Robert 1700. See Foster's Inns of Court Reg.

Cann, (Sir) William, 'baronet,' s. William, of Brislington, Somerset. Oriel Coll., matric. 30 May, 1711, aged 17; 3rd baronet, died 27 April, 1726.

Cannell, Joseph, s. John, of London, pleb. Lincoln Coll., matric. 14 Sept., 1698, aged 14; B.A. 1702, M.A. 7 March, 1705-6, chaplain to Lord Haversham. See Hearne, i. 225; & Rawlinson, ii. 232.

Canner, Christopher, s. Christopher, of Tewkesburye, co. Gloucester, pleb. Pembroke Coll., matric. 22 March, 1638-9, aged 16; B.A. from Christ Church 8 July, 1642, M.A. 10 Nov., 1646, vicar of Climping, Sussex, 1670. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Canner, John, See Cunnar. [12],

Canner, Richard, s. Robert, of Tewkesburye, co. Gloucester, pleb. Pembroke Coll., matric. 10 Dec., 1641, aged 18; rector of Burlingham, co. Worcester, 1651. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Canner, Thomas (senior), B.A. 31 Jan., 1512-13, fellow of Magdalen Coll. 1517, proctor 1522-3, B.D. 15 July, 1528 (guardian of Langton chest in winter 1519), 1st canon of Cardinal College 1525, and sub-dean 1527, 8th canon of Christ Church (formerly Cardinal College) 1532, archdeacon of Dorset 1539, provost of the free chapel of St. Nicholas sub Hamden, 1542, rector of Barton Bradstock, Dorset, 1546-50. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus; Bloxam, iv. 48; & Fasti, i. 63, 79.

Canner, Thomas (junior), fellow of Magdalen Coll. 1517, rector of Saltfleetby, co. Lincoln, vicar of Marsworth, Bucks, resigned 1524, canon of Lincoln 1524-8, died in 1531. See Bloxam, iv. 50. [15],

Canning, Edmund, s. John, of Todingham, co. Gloucester, pleb. Hart Hall, matric. 13 June, 1634, aged 18; B.A. 15 July, 1636, M.A. 15 June, 1639, as Edward.

Canninge, Richard, of co. Warwick, pleb. Gloucester Hall, matric.-entry under date 10 Jan., 1574-5, aged 18; perhaps of Foxcote.

Canninge, Richard, of Oxon, pleb. Oriel Coll., matric. 16 June, 1615, aged 16; a student of Gray's Inn 1619, as son and heir of Edward, of Enstone, Oxon, gent. See Foster's Gray's Inn Reg.

Cannings, William (Cannyngs), B.A. (sup. 29 April) 1506, M.A. 4 July, 1513, B.D. (sup. 12 Dec.) 1527, fellow of Oriel Coll. 1509-21, guardian of Schelton and Warwyke chests 1513, vicar of Bishops Lavington 1521. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus & O.H.S., i. 39.

Cannon, Henry, s. William, of Crendon, Bucks, gent. Hart Hall, matric. 20 April, 1711 (aged 16); B.A. 25 Feb., 1714-15, M.A. 28 March, 1718. [20],

Cannon, John, 1639. See Dictionary of National Biography, viii. 445.

Cannon, John, s. John, of Graystoke, Cumberland, p.p. Queen's Coll., matric. 5 July, 1678, aged 17; B.A. 22 March, 1682-3, rector of Isfield or Iffield, Sussex, 1690-3. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Cannon, Nathaniel, of London, gent. St. Mary Hall, matric. 7 Nov., 1600, aged 18; B.A. 23 Oct., 1601 (? M.A. Cambridge), B.D. 5 Feb., 1618-19, of Wokingham, Berks, vicar of Hurley 1618, until his death, 'after he had ran with and submitted to all mutations,' buried in the chancel 12 Feb., 1664. See Ath., iii. 674.

Canon, Thomas, of co. Pembroke, gent. Jesus Coll., matric. 5 Feb., 1584-5, aged 17; sometime of Clifford's Inn, a student of Lincoln's Inn 1593, perhaps knighted 30 June, 1623, M.P. Haverfordwest 1625 & 1626, Haslemere 1628-9. See Wood's Colleges and Halls, iii. 573; & Foster's Inns of Court Reg.

Cannop, Henry, B.A. 28 Jan., 1528-9. [25],

Canopius, Nathaniel, chaplain of Christ Church 1642. See Conopius.

Cansfield, Robert, B.A. Cambridge 1570, incorp. as M.A. 9 July, 1577, canon of York 1588 (as Chancefield). See Le Neve, iii. 191.

Cantrell, Nicholas, subscribed 4 Nov., 1614; B.A. from Gloucester Hall 30 June, 1617, M.A. 5 May, 1620.

Cantrell, Richard, s. Thomas, of London, gent. St. John's Coll., matric. 26 June, 1688, aged 17; scholar 1688, B.A, 1692, born in Oct., 1670, entered Merchant Taylors' school 1683, preb. and vicar of Lincoln Cathedral 1694, vicar of Glentham, co. Lincoln, 1696, and rector of Thorpe-on-the-Hill 1700, died 10 April, 1712. See Robinson, i. 309; Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus; & Rawlinson, xviii. 302b.

Cantrell, Thomas, B.A. from Gloucester Hall 19 Feb., 1611-12, M.A. 5 July, 1614, vicar of Dilhorne, co. Stafford, 1617, until sequestered in 1647. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus & Add. MS. 15,671. [30],

Cantrell, Thomas, B.A. from Magdalen Hall 2 June, 1627, M.A. 4 May, 1631.

Cantrell, Thomas, s. John, of Repton, co. Derby, pleb. Brasenose Coll., matric. 28 May, 1666, aged 17, B.A. 18 Jan., 1669-70; incorp. at Cambridge 1681, M.A. from Sydney Sussex Coll. 1681, vicar of Elvaston, co. Derby, 1695. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Cantrell, William, B.A. of Cambridge six years ago, sup. 1548-9, for incorporation and M.A.; vicar of Bicker 1554, and of Heckington 1562, and rector of Aswardby 1568, all in co. Lincoln. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus & O.H.S., i. 216.

Cantwell, John, subscribed 16 Oct., 1620, admitted to practice in surgery 5 May, 1620; of St. Aldates, surgeon, will at Oxford dated 16 March, 1633.

Cantwell, Robert, s. Rich., of Witham, Berks, pleb. Balliol Coll., matric. 17 July, 1663, aged 16; B.A. 1667, M.A. 1670. [35],

Cantwell, Thomas (Cawntwell), fellow of New Coll. Dec., 1499-1520, from Arreton, Isle of Wight; M.A. 7 Dec., 1508, rector of Hardwick, vicar of Swalcliffe. See O.H.S., i. 311.

Canworthie, John, of Devon, pleb. Exeter Coll., matric. 17 March, 1591-2, aged 19.

Cape, Faithful, 'paup. fil.' Corpus Christi Coll., matric. 6 July, 1683, vicar of Halse, Somerset, 21 Sept., 1696, until his death in 1720. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Cape, James, of Somerset, pleb. St. Alban Hall, matric.-entry under date 20 Dec., 1577, aged 19, B.A. 7 Feb., 1577-8, vicar of Herne, Kent, 1616. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

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