Page:Alumni Oxonienses (1500-1714) volume 1.djvu/374

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Compton, James, Baron Compton (3rd Earl of Northampton), created D.C.L. 1 or 2 Nov., 1642 (s. Spencer, 2nd earl), F.R.S. 1663, P.C. 1673, constable of the Tower of London 1675, recorder of Coventry, Northampton & Tamworth, M.P. co. Warwick 1640 (L.P.), till void, 14 Dec., re-elected Dec., 1640, until disabled circa 1643, defeated the parliamentary forces near Banbury 6 May, 1643, died at Castle Ashby 15 Dec., 1681, father of Spencer. See Fasti, ii. 38.

Compton, James, born in London, s. George, Earl of Northampton. Christ Church, matric. 8 June, 1703, aged 16; 5th earl of Northampton 1727, M.P. Warwickshire 1710-11, summoned to parliament as Baron Compton 28 Dec., 1711, recorder of Northampton, died 3 Oct., 1754. See Foster's Peerage.

Compton, John, of Hants, gent. Magdalen Hall, matric. 22 Oct., 1591, aged 18; of the Middle Temple 1594, as son and heir of John, of Priors Dean, Hants. See Foster's Inns of Court Reg.

Compton, Richard, arm. St. Mary Hall, matric. 28 Feb., 1594-5, aged 21.

Compton, Richard, of Hants, gent. Brasenose Coll., matric. 20 March, 1600-1, aged 17; of the Middle Temple 1605, as 2nd son of John, late of Priors Dean, Hants, deceased. See Foster's Inns of Court Reg. [5]

Compton, Richard, s. Richard, of Burgh, Sowerby, Westmorland, p.p. Queen's Coll., matric. 26 March, 1669, aged 16; B.A. 19 Feb., 1673-4, M.A. 1677.

Compton, (Hon.) Spencer, s. James Earl of Northampton. Trinity Coll., matric. 28 Feb., 1689-90, aged 15; created D.C.L. 5 Aug., 1730, of the Middle Temple 1686, M.P. Eye in 7 parliaments 1698-1710, East Grinstead 1713-15, Sussex 1715 until created Baron Wilmington 11 Jan., 1728, speaker of House of Commons 1714-15, paymaster-general, etc., 1721-2, K.B. 1725, created Earl of Wilmington 1730, lord privy seal & lord president of the council 1730, K.G. 1733, died 2 July, 1743. See Hearne, i. 70; Rawlinson, iii. 326; St. Paul's School Reg., 60; & D.N.B.

Compton, Thomas, B.A. 27 June, 1524.

Compton, Thomas, s. T(homas), of Sutton Bingham, Somerset, arm. Corpus Christi Coll., matric. 10 Oct., 1685, aged 16; of the Inner Temple 1687. See Foster's Inns of Court Reg.

Compton, Thomas, of co. Gloucester, arm. Hart Hall, matric.-entry under date 1573, aged 16.

Compton, William, Baron Compton, created M.A. 30 Aug., 1605, of Gray's Inn 1593, M.A. Cambridge 20 Feb., 1594-5, Earl of Northampton, so created 2 Aug., 1618, P.C. 1629, K.B. 1605, K.G. 1628, lord-president of Wales 1617-30, died 14 June, 1630. See Foster's Gray's Inn Reg. & Fasti, i. 314. [11]

Comyn, Bartholomew, s. Thomas, of Lustley, Devon, sacerd. Trinity Coll., matric. 22 June, 1627, aged 16; B.A. 23 May, 1631, his father compounded for the first fruits of Lustleigh rectory 5 May, 1607. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Comyn, John (Conyn), B.Can.L. 2 Dec., 1506.

Comyn, John (Comin), s. William, of Blewbury, Berks, pleb. New Inn Hall, matric. 28 March, 1666, aged 18.

Comyn, John (Coming), s. Jo., of South Poole, Devon, p.p. Exeter Coll., matric. 10 April, 1690, aged 19; B.A. 1693. [15]

Comyn, Nicholas, M.A. 30 June, 1505.

Comyn, Richard, 'ser.' St. John's Coll., matric. 12 May, 1651, called Coming in Mat. Reg.

Comyn, Robert, s. R., of Ilsley, 'Berks,' cler. All Souls' Coll., matric. 3 June, 1686, aged 14; B.A. from Balliol Coll., 1690; incorp. at Cambridge 10 July, 1693, & M.A. from Magdalen Coll. 1693, vicar of Wigmore, co. Hereford, 1699, rector of Brampton Brian 1702, archdeacon of Salop (diocese of Hereford) 1713-26, rector of Pontesbury (2nd portion), Salop, 1713-26, and of Presteign, co. Radnor, 1720-6. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Comyns, George, s. Peter, of Morchard Bishop, Devon, pleb. Exeter Coll., matric. 27 March, 1685, aged 17; B.A. 1688, M.A. 1691, rector of Doddescombsleigh, Devon, 1694. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Con, Ralph, B.A. 17 Dec., 1557. [20]

Conant, John, of Devon, pleb. Exeter Coll., matric. 15 Nov., 1605, aged 18; B.A. 5 May, 1609, fellow 1611-20, M.A. 29 Jan., 1611-12, B.D. 2 Dec., 1619, licenced to preach 27 June, 1620, incorp. at Cambridge 1620, rector of Lymington, Somerset, 1619, and of St. Botolph, London. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus; Fasti, i. 393; & Boase, 58.

Conant, John, s. Robert, of Bicton, Devon, pleb. Exeter Coll., matric. 18 Feb., 1626-7, aged 18; B.A. 26 May, 1631, fellow 1632-4, M.A. 12 June, 1634, D.D. 31 May, 1654, rector of his college 1649-62, expelled for nonconformity, vice-chancellor 1657-60, Regius professor of divinity 1654-60, a member of the reverend assembly of divines, sequestered to church of St. Thomas, New Sarum, and to the rectory of Whimple, Devon, 1645, vicar of Abergele, co. Denbigh, 1657, of St. Mary, Aldermanbury, 1670, vicar of All Saints, Northampton, 1671, archdeacon of Norwich 1676, canon of Worcester 1681, died 12 March, 1693-4, father of the next named. See Fasti, ii. 183; Ath., iv. 397; Burrows; Boase, 64-70; Add. MS., 15,669; Calamy, i. 229; Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus & D.N.B.

Conant, John, s. John, of Northampton (town), s.t.d. Trinity Coll., matric. 8 Feb., 1669-70, aged 16, B.A. 1673; fellow of Merton Coll. 1676, M.A. 29 Jan., 1677-8, B. & D.C.L. 1683, an advocate of Doctors Commons, died at Kidlington. See O.H.S., iv. 295.

Conant, John, 'cler. fil.' Exeter Coll., matric. 20 March, 1683-4; B.A. 1687, M.A. 1690, vicar of Moreden, Dorset, 1695. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Conant, Malachy, 'cler. fil.' Exeter Coll., matric. 13 March, 1650-1 (called Connett in Mat. Reg.), demy Magdalen Coll., 1653-5, B.A. 12 Oct., 1654, fellow 1655-7, M.A. 28 May, 1657, B.D. 18 Dec., 1665, librarian 1665, incorp. at Cambridge 1668 (son of John, of Salisbury, cler.), vicar of Seale alias Beeding, Sussex, 1667, canon of Chichester 1668, died May 1680. See Fasti, ii. 282; Bloxam, v. 217; & Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus. [25]

Conantt, Philip, s. Joh., of Colaton Rawley, Devon, pleb. Exeter Coll., matric. 3 Feb., 1696-7, aged 17, B.A. 1700.

Conant, Richard, s. Richard, of Budleigh, Devon, pleb., p.p. Exeter Coll., matric. 6 Dec., 1639, aged 17.

Conant, Richard, s. Rich., of Bickton, Devon, p.p. St. Alban Hall, matric. 20 March, 1677-8, aged 18; vicar of East Budleigh, Devon, 1672. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Conant, Samuel (perhaps son of John, of Merton Coll.), admitted to Emanuel Coll., Cambridge, 15 Jan., 1645-6, fellow Exeter Coll. 1648-62, B.A. 26 May, 1649, M.A. 29 April, 1652, proctor 1657, rector of Browne Candover, Hants, 1658-9, of Felthorpe, Norfolk, 1662-5, of Litchet Matravers, Dorset, 1663, rector of Child Ockford, Dorset, 1673, until his death 5 Dec., 1719, aged 92. See Boase, 70; Burrows; & Rawlinson, xviii. 17.

Conant, Samuel, 'cler. fil.' Magdalen Hall, matric. 29 March, 1694, aged 16; demy Magdalen Coll. 1696-1703, B.A. 1697, M.A. 1700, fellow 1703, until his death 18 May, 1706, rector of Holy Trinity, Dorset, 1705-6. See Bloxam, vi. 131; & Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus. [30]

Conant, Thomas, of Magdalen Hall 1648; M.A. from Trinity Hall., Cambridge, incorp. 14 July, 1657. See Burrows, 37.

Conbridge, John, 'ser.' New Inn Hall, matric. 20 Nov., 1651.

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