Page:Alumni Oxonienses (1500-1714) volume 1.djvu/406

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Cradocke, William, s. William, of Winchester, Hants, gent. Magdalen Hall, matric. 26 March, 1675, aged 16; demy Magdalen Coll. 1676-9, B.A. 1678, fellow 1679-92, M.A. 1681, proctor 1689, B.D. 1690, D.D. 1693, expelled by the commissioners of James II. in 1687, restored 1688, rector of Aston-juxta-Birmingham 1687, of Woodeaton, Oxon, 1690, and of Slymbridge, co. Gloucester, 1692, until his death 24 Nov., 1692, father of John, 1714. See Rawlinson, v. 43; & Bloxam, vi. 10.

Cradock, William, s. Richard, of Highgate, Middlesex, gent. Christ Church, matric. 30 June, 1696, aged 20; of the Inner Temple 1695, and of the Middle Temple 1699. See Foster's Inns of Court Reg.

Cradock, William, B.A. from Jesus Coll., Cambridge, 1697, M.A. 1701, incorp. 11 July, 1710, rector of Swinnerton, co. Stafford, 1703, and of Donington, Salop, 1705. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Cradock, William, s. Nath., of Cossington, co. Leicester, gent. Lincoln Coll., matric. 30 May, 1711, aged 17; B.A. 1715.

Cradoe, William, B.A.; B.C.L. (sup. 17 June) 1510.

Crafts, Robert, B.A. from Magdalen Coll, 20 March, 1590-1.


Crafts, Thomas, s. John, of Curry Rivell, Somerset, p.p. St. John's Coll., matric. 22 March, 1672-3, aged 18.

Cragge, Christopher, of co. Gloucester, 'cler. fil.' Queen's Coll., matric. 15 Dec., 1615, aged 17; B.A. 17 Dec., 1619, one of these names rector of Saintbury, co. Gloucester, 1602, etc. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Cragg, George, 'cler. fil.' Pembroke Coll., matric. 27 July, 1652.

Cragge, John, M.A. 21 June, 1514, of Brasenose Coll., one of these names canon of Hereford 1524, made his will 2 Aug., 1550, proved 6 March, 1552-3. See Le Neve, i. 506.


Cragge, Richard, student of Christ Church 1618, from Westminster School, B.A. 22 Feb., 1622-3; of St. Giles-in-the-Fields, clerk, licenced 18 Jan., 1631-2 (then 30) to marry Anne Bingham, of St. Giles, spinster; vicar of South and Middle Littleton, co. Worcester, died 1666. See Alumni West., 87.

Cragge, Robert, of London, pleb. Christ Church, matric. 31 May, 1583, aged 15.

Cragge, William, subscribed 23 April, 1613; B.A. from Magdalen Hall 19 Oct., 1614, M.A. 28 June, 1617, incorp. at Cambridge 1621, of the Inner Temple 1608, as of Ickenham, Middlesex. See Foster's Inns of Court Reg.

Craig, John, a Scot, D.Med. Basle University; incorp. 30 Aug., 1605, first physician to James I., fellow College of Physicians 1604 (son of Sir Thomas Craig, an eminent lawyer), died before 10 April, 1620. See Munk's Roll, i. 116, 170; Fasti, i. 310; & D.N.B.

Craikar, Giles (Craykar), of Oxon, 'cler. fil.' Trinity Coll., matric. 28 Feb., 1616-17, aged 17; B.A. 28 June, 1620, M.A. 26 May, 1623.


Craikar, John (Craker), of co. Gloucester, pleb. Hart Hall, matric.-entry under date 1568, aged 18; 'famulus Mri. Nele,' B.A. 15 Feb., 1571-2, M.A. 27 June, 1577, rector of Broughton, Oxon, 1583, and of Tadmarton 1590. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Craikar, Samuel, of Oxon, gent. Exeter Coll., matric. 16 Oct., 1601, aged 18.

Craikar, Timothy, of Oxon, gent. Exeter Coll., matric. 16 Oct., 1601, aged 28; chaplain New Coll., B.A. 4 July, 1605, M.A. from Exeter Coll. 20 June, 1609.

Crakanthorp, Christopher, gent. Queen's Coll., matric. 12 Feb., 1651-2; of Newbiggin, Westmorland, son of Richard.

Crakanthroppe, George, of Westmorland, gent. Queen's Coll., matric. 18 May, 1604, aged 17 B.A. from St. Edmund Hall 4 Feb., 1607-8, vicar of Great Saling, Essex, 1617, and of Great Barton, Suffolk, 1623, rector of Bradwell, Essex, 1639. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.


Crakanthrop, Henry, of Westmorland, gent. Queen's Coll., matric. 2 March, 1592-3, aged 17.

Crakanthorppe, Lancelot, of Westmorland, gent. Queen's Coll., matric. 12 March, 1596-7, aged 15.

Crakanthorp, Richard, of Westmorland, gent. Queen's Coll., matric. 13 Dec., 1583, aged 16; B.A. 28 June, 1587, M.A. 1 July, 1590, B.D. 12 July, 1597, fellow 1598, D.D. 17 July, 1606, 'scriptor celeberrimus,' incorp. at Cambridge 1612, chaplain to Lord Evers, when ambassador to Germany 1603, chaplain to Dr. Ravis, bishop of London, chaplain in ordinary to the king, rector of Black Notley, Essex, 1605, and of Paglesham, 1617, until his death, buried at Black Notley 25 Nov., 1624. See Ath., ii. 361; D.N.B.; & Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Crakanthropp, William, of Westmorland, gent. Queen's Coll., matric. 3 May, 1605, aged 19; B.A. 7 July, 1613, vicar of Appleby St. Laurence 1624, rector of Bootle, Cumberland, 1628, and of Brougham, Westmorland, 1629. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Cranage, Thomas, B.A. from St. John's Coll., Cambridge, 1619, as 'Crannidge,' incorp. as M.A. 10 May, 1628, B.D. from Brasenose Coll. 6 July, 1629.


Cranch, Richard, s. Ric., of Bigbury, Devon, pleb. Exeter Coll., matric. 31 March, 1701, aged 18; B.A. 1704, M.A. 1707, rector of Diptford, Devon, 1721. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Crandon, William, of Devon, pleb. Exeter Coll., matric.-entry under date 3 Dec., 1575, aged 16; a paup. scholar, circa 1572.

Crane, John, B.A. 16 July, 1536. See a contemporary Cooper, i. 461.

Crane, John (or Atkinson), of London, pleb. Trinity Coll., matric.-entry under date 12 Dec., 1572, aged 19; 'Mro. Hindmer tutori dialect,' scholar 1572, B.A. 24 May, 1574.

Crane, Robert, B.A. 7 Feb., 1571-2; fellow Balliol Coll. 1572-83, M.A. 21 June, 1575, proctor 1580 and 1581, principal New Inn Hall 1586-93. See O.H.S., xii. 12.


Crane, Thomas, student Christ Church 1576, from Westminster School, B.A. 26 Jan., 1579-80; M.A. 6 Feb., 1582-3, incorp. at Cambridge 1584, perhaps rector of South Cadbury, Somerset, 1587, and father of the next named. See Alumni West., 53.

Crane, Thomas (Craine), of Somerset, 'cler. fil.' New Coll., matric. 12 Oct., 1610, aged 19; B.A. 9 May, 1614, M.A. 17 Jan., 1617-18, B.D. 26 July, 1628, canon of Wells 1620, etc. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Crane, Thomas, of Surrey, pleb. Balliol Coll., matric. 6 July, 1613, aged 18; B.A. 17 May, 1614, M.A. 10 June, 1619, B.D. 22 June, 1630, rector of St. Laurence, Old Jewry, London, 1631, until sequestered 1644, rector of West Walton, Norfolk, 1649. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus & Add. MSS., 15,669 and 15,670.

Crane, Thomas (Craine), pleb. Exeter Coll., matric. 13 Feb., 1648-9; M.A. from Gloucester Hall 6 July, 1655, rector of Rampisham, Dorset, ejected at the restoration, died in 1714, aged 84, father of Thomas 1678. See Calamy, ii. 148; & D.N.B.

Crane, Thomas, s. Thomas, of Lathom, co. Lancaster, pleb., p.p. Brasenose Coll., matric. 1 April, 1664, aged 19; B.A. 1667, M.A. 1670, curate of Winchester, co. Lancaster, a nonjuror. See Fasti ii. 319.


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