Page:Alumni Oxonienses (1500-1714) volume 1.djvu/429

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Dale, Valentine, B.A. (sup. May) 1541; fellow of All Souls' Coll. 1542, B.C.L. 1545, sup. for incorporation 18 Nov., 1552, as D.C.L. of Orleans, incorp. at Cambridge 9 July, 1562, a member of Gray's Inn, vicar of Winterbourne Earls, Wilts, 1550, rector of Llandyssil, co. Cardigan, 1554, advocate 1554, M.P. Hindon Oct.-Dec., 1555, Taunton 1558, Chichester 1572-83, Chichester and Hindon 1584-6, Chichester 1586-7 and 1588-9, then master of the Court of Requests, ambassador in Flanders 1563, archdeacon of Surrey 1573-5, ambassador in France 1573-6, dean of Wells 1575, master of Sherburn Hospital, Durham, 1585, etc., a judge of Court of Admiralty, died in his house near St. Paul's Cathedral 17 Nov., 1589, buried in St. Gregory. See Foster's Parliamentary Dictionary & Inns of Court Reg.; Fasti, i. 136; Cooper, ii. 62; & D.N.B.

Dale, William (Daale), B.A. 30 June, 1505.

Dale, William, of Somerset, pleb. Balliol Coll., matric.-entry under date 1575, aged 18; of the Middle Temple 1577, as late of Lyons Inn, gent., son and heir of Henry, of Yebton, Somerset; see George same date. See Foster's Inns of Court Reg.

Dale, William, s. William, of St. Bees, Cumberland, paup. Queen's Coll., matric. 26 March, 1683, aged 17; B.A. 1687, fellow, M.A. 9 March, 1690-1, will proved at Oxford 28 Aug., 1697.

Dale, William, s. Rog., of Denton, co. Lancaster, cler. Trinity Coll., matric. 23 Oct., 1705, aged 19; B.A. from Brasenose Coll. 17 Feb., 1709-10, M.A. 1712, perhaps rector of Pontesbury (2nd portion), Salop, 1726, and of East Lulworth, Dorset, 1728, brother of Joseph and Thomas 1699. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus. [5],

Dalechampe, Caleb, B.A. Cantab 1624; incorp. as M.A. 10 July, 1627, vicar of Ingham, co. Lincoln, 1632, rector of South Ferriby 1634. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Dalgardno, Robert, 'ser.' Exeter Coll., matric. 17 March, 1653-4, B.A. 28 May, 1657, M.A. 3 July, 1660.

Dalgarno, George, s. Geo., of Oxford (city), cler. Gloucester Hall, matric. 8 March, 1688-9, aged 22; admitted to practice in surgery 5 Dec., 1689; for a biographical notice of his father see D.N.B.

D'Algre, Sir Gaspard, knt., Count of Beauvoir, Baron of Vivroux, etc., in France; M.A. Cambridge, incorp. 24 Aug., 1624, captain of 50 chevaliers in the suite of the King of France. See Fasti, i. 418.

Dalgress, William, s. Alexander, of Faringdon, Hants, cler. Trinity Coll., matric. 2 May, 1711, aged 17; B.A. 1716, vicar of Wisborough Green, Sussex, 1729, his father instituted rector of Faringdon 12 Dec., 1684. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Daliferde, John, of Brasenose Coll. about 1575, B.A. 1 Feb., 1577-8, as Dalifield. [11],

Dalimuntt, Henry, of Norwich, pleb. Magdalen Hall, matric.-entry under date 15 April, 1580, aged 18.

Dalions, Dennis (Daliance), Benedictine, B.D. 4 June, 1522.

D'Allemagne, James, a French protestant minister, created D.D. 8 March, 1686-7, vicar of Bradfield, Essex, 1689, and rector of Tendring 1691. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Dallender, Henry, s. William, of Buckland, Surrey, knight; admitted a pensioner of Caius Coll., Cambridge, 27 June, 1617, aged 16, B.A. 1620; incorp. 13 Nov., 1621, M.A. from St. Mary Hall 7 July, 1627, rector of Headley, Surrey, until sequestered in 1645. See Venn, 135; & Add. MS., 15,669, p. 156. [15],

Dallender, John, s. Nicholas, of Chichester, Sussex, gent. Trinity Coll., matric. 6 April, 1647, aged 18; scholar of Wadham Coll. by the visitors 1648. See Burrows, 35, 39, 176.

Dallington, (Sir) Robert, Greek scholar of Pembroke Hall., Cambridge, and M.A.; incorp. 6 April, 1601, from St. John's Coll., Oxford, a schoolmaster in Norfolk, secretary to the Earl of Rutland, of the privy chamber to Prince Henry, master of the Charter House 1624, knighted 30 Dec., 1624, made his will 25 April, 1636, proved 1 March, 1637. See Fasti, i. 292; & D.N.B.

Dalrymple, (Sir) James, s. David, of Scotland, bart. Queen's Coll., matric. 13 May, 1708, aged 15; of Hailes, 2nd baronet, M.P. Haddington Burghs 1722-34, auditor of the Exchequer, born 24 July, 1692, died 24 Feb., 1751. See Foster's Scots M.P.'s.

Dalston, Christopher (Daulston), of Westmorland, arm. Queen's Coll., matric. 17 March, 1597-8, aged 16; of Lincoln's Inn 1599, as of Cumberland, probably of Acorn Bank (son of Thomas), and knighted by King James 6 Aug., 1617, died 15 May, 1635, father of John 1631. See Foster's Inns of Court Reg. & Cumberland Visitations.

Dalston, Christopher, arm. Queen's Coll., matric. 10 March, 1656-7, probably son of John, of Acorn Bank, and aged 26, at the Heralds' Visitation in 1664, brother of Thomas 1660, and father of John 1682. See Foster's Cumberland Visitations. [20],

Dalston, George, s. John, of Temple Sowerby, Westmorland, arm. Queen's Coll., matric. 14 July, 1665, aged 17; B.A. 1669, rector of Staunton, co. Gloucester, 1672, vicar of Dixton, co. Monmouth, 1675. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Dalston, John, s. Christopher, of Herne (Acorn) Banks, Westmorland, militis. Queen's Coll., matric. 2 Dec., 1631, aged 19; B.A. 24 Jan., 1631-2, of Gray's Inn 1631, M.P. Appleby 1661-78, father of Christopher 1657, and Thomas 1660. See Foster's Gray's Inn Reg.

Dalston, John, s. Christopher, of Akland (Acorn) Bank, Westmorland, arm. Queen's Coll., matric. 6 July, 1682, aged 17.

Dalston, Thomas, arm. Queen's Coll., matric. 26 Oct., 1660, bar.-at-law, Gray's Inn 1670, as son of John, of Acorn Bank, Westmorland, esq., brother of Christopher 1657. See Foster's Judges and Barristers.

Dalton, Francis, B.A. from Trinity Coll., Cambridge, 12 Feb., 1573-4, incorp. as B.D. 11 July, 1586, vicar of Slaidburn, Yorks, 1588, rector of Kirkby Misperton, Yorks, 1614, etc. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus. [25],

Dalton, James, of Christ Church 1550; B.A. (sup.) 1551, of Lincoln's Inn 1555, perhaps M.P. Saltash 1563-7, 1571, 1572-83, Lostwithiel 1584-5 and 1586-7. See Foster's Parliamentary Dictionary & Inns of Court Reg.

Dalton, James, of co. Lancaster, pleb. Brasenose Coll., matric. 8 Dec., 1587, aged 18; B.A. 27 Jan., 1591-2, M.A. 17 June, 1597, B.D. 24 Feb., 1608-9, one of these names rector of Uley, co. Gloucester, 1612. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Dalton, John, of Cumberland, pleb. Queen's Coll., matric. 19 March, 1618-19, aged 19; B.A. 16 April, 1619, one of these names vicar of Little Abingdon, co. Cambridge, 1634. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Dalton, John, 'ser.' Wadham Coll., matric. 20 July, 1654; admitted B.A. 20 July, 1657, but he did not determine in the following Lent, and was pronounced Non-Bac. by the proctors. See Gardiner, 205.

Dalton, John, 'ser.' Queen's Coll., matric. 10 March, 1656-7. [30],

Dalton, John, s. Henry, of Shap, Westmorland, p.p. Queen's Coll., matric. 10 Oct., 1692, aged 16; B.A. from St. Edmund Hall 22 March, 1696-7, vicar of Deane, Cumberland, 1705, rector of Distington 1712. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Dalton, Michael, of Middlesex, s. Oliver, of Wratting, co. Cambridge, arm. New Inn Hall, matric. 13 Nov., 1635, aged 17; of Lincoln's Inn 1638, brother of Thomas 1628. See Foster's Inns of Court Reg.

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