Page:Alumni Oxonienses (1500-1714) volume 3.djvu/106

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Machon, John, of Yorks, pleb. Magdalen Hall, matric. 26 Feb., 1590-1, aged 19; B.A. from Magdalen Coll. 7 Feb., 1593-4, (s. John, of Machon Banke, near Sheffield), vicar of Aston, co. Warwick, 1603, and of Ridgley, co. Stafford, 1620, canon of Lichfield 1631, master of the hospital of St. John's de Forbrage, in Stafford, 1632, and perhaps vicar of Hartburn, Northants, 1632; died about 1640; father of John 1621. See Foster's Visitation of Durham; & Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Machon, John, s. (John), of co. Stafford, minister. Magdalen Hall, matric. 26 June, 1621, aged 18; B.A. 7 Feb., 1623-4, M.A. 15 June, 1626, master of Christ's Hospital in Sherborne, county palatine of Durham; died Dec., 1679; father of Thomas, 1655.

Machen, John, s. Roger, of Penkhull, co. Stafford, pleb. New Inn Hall, matric. 1 April, 1642, aged 17.

Machin, Thomas, B.A. 14 Dec., 1557, M.A. sup. 22 Oct., 1562.

Machen, Thomas, of co. Gloucester, gent. Magdalen Coll., matric. 2 July, 1585, aged 17; demy 1585-6, fellow 1586-94, B.A. 27 June, 1587, M.A. 5 May, 1592, student of Lincoln's Inn 1589, M.P. Gloucester 1614, and mayor; died 1614. See Henry 1576. See Bloxam, iv. 224; & Foster's Inns of Court Reg. [5],

Machen, Thomas, s. Henry, of Badgworth, co. Gloucester, gent. Lincoln Coll., matric. 19 Jan., 1637-8, aged 19.

Machon, Thomas, s. (John 1621), minister. Hart Hall, subscribed 7 Nov., 1655, B.A. 12 Feb., 1658-9, M.A. 31 May, 1662 (incorporated at Cambridge 1663), residing at Sherbourne in 1666, chaplain to Prince Rupert, master of the hospital of St. John Baptist, Lichfield, 1671, and canon of Lichfield 1671; died 27 Feb., 1672-3; father of Gilbert 1687. See Foster's Index Eccl.

Machyve, Donatus, Augustinian friar, B.D. 20 Jan., 1531-2.

Macy. See also Massey.

Macie, David, s. John, of Weston, Somerset, gent. Wadham Coll., matric. 28 March, 1683, aged 18; B.A. 1686, vicar of Abbotsbury, Bristol, 1696, and of Weston-juxta-Bath. 1698, until his death in 1701. See Gardiner, 338; & Foster's Index Eccl.

Macey, George, of Devon, pleb. Christ Church, matric. 2 July, 1585, aged 15; B.A. 8 Feb., 1588-9.

Macy, Henry, of Devon, pleb. Broadgates Hall, matric. 11 July, 1606, aged 17; M.A. from Wadham Coll. 5 July, 1614 (then in orders), rector of Shafton St. Rumbald, alias Cann, Dorset, 1612, and rector of Temple or Abbas Combe, Somerset, 1614-36; father of Henry and John 1634. See Foster's Index Eccl. & Gardiner, 22.

Macie, Henry (Masy), s. Henry, of Temple Combe, Somerset, sacerd. Wadham Coll., matric. 7 Dec., 1632, aged 17; B.A. from St. Edmund Hall 3 May, 1636; perhaps rector of Patney, Wilts, 1658, until ejected 1662 for nonconformity; brother of John 1634. See Calamy, iii. 370; & Foster's Index Eccl.

Macy, John (Masi or Masye), B.A. 15 Feb., 1533-4, vicar of Weston-juxta-Bath, Somerset, 1541. See Foster's Index Eccl.

Macy, John (Masy), s. Henry, of Temple Combe, Somerset, sacerd. Wadham Coll., matric. 16 May, 1634, aged 15; B.A. 20 Feb., 1635-6, M.A. 28 April, 1640; sequestered to rectory of Headley, Surrey, 1645, by the Westminster assembly; brother of Henry 1632. See Add. MS. 15,669, p. 213. [15],

Macie, John (Masy), s. John, of Wedhampton, Wilts, minister. University Coll., matric. 16 March, 1665-6, aged 15; B.A. 1670 (as Massey), rector of Roughton, co. Lincoln, 1673-80, and of Coningsby, co. Lincoln, 1680-2. See Foster's Index Eccl.

Macie, William (Masey or Masye), B.A. 15 Feb., 1533-4.

[Mackenzie, Sir George, of Rosehaugh, co. Ross (s. Simon, of Lochslyne, M.P.) advocate Edinburgh, 1659, king's advocate 1666-86 and 1688, p.c. W. III., M.P. Ross-shire 1669-74, and Forfarshire 1689, until his death 8 May, 1691; father of the next. See Fasti, ii. 411; & Foster's Scots M.P.'s.],

McKenzie, George, o.s. George, of co. Ross, Scotland, Equitis. University Coll., matric. 27 Oct., 1702, aged 16; died young.

Mackerell, Mackareth, and Mackernes. See Makerell, Makareth, and Makernes, page 961. [20],

Mackes, Edmund, s. E., of New Sarum, Wilts, gent. Trinity Coll., matric. 20 March, 1672-3, aged 18.

Macket. See also Mockett.

Macket, Richard (Makeyt), fellow of New Coll. 1505-24, from Ryde, Isle of Wight, B.C.L. 27 June, 1513, chaplain 1521.

Ma(c)kett, Thomas, B.LL. & D.LL. sup. 6 March, 1507-8, vicar of Colerne, Wilts, 1509. See Foster's Index Eccl. [24],

Mackett, William, s. William, of Luccombe, Isle of Wight, pleb. Magdalen Coll., matric. 28 Jan., 1630-1, aged 19; demy 1630-6, B.A. 11 Feb., 1630-1, M.A. 17 Dec., 1633. See Bloxam, v. 124.

Macklen, John, of Salop, pleb. St. Alban Hall, matric. 20 Oct., 1592, aged 30.

Macklen, John, s. George, of Bedstone, Salop, pleb. Brasenose Coll., matric. 10 Oct., 1634, aged 18; B.A. 7 April, 1638.

Macklier, David, created M.A. 27 June, 1674, "captain of a prefectorian company belonging to the king of Sweden." See Fasti, ii. 346.

Mackworth, Bulkly, s. Thomas, of Betton, Salop, arm. Magdalen Coll., matric. 3 Nov., 1671, aged 17; of Buntingsdale, died 18 Feb., 1730-1; brother of Humphrey.

Mackworth, Herbert, 1s. Hump., of London (city), equitis. Magdalen Coll., matric. 12 Oct., 1704, aged 15; cr. D.C.L. 8 July, 1756; of Neath, co. Glamorgan, a student of the Inner Temple 1708 (his father of Neath); M.P. Cardiff 1739, until his death 20 Aug., 1765; father of Herbert 1753, see 2nd Series, p. 896. See Foster's Inns of Court Reg. [30],

Mackworth, (Sir) Humphrey, s. Thomas, of Shrewsbury, arm. Magdalen Coll., 11 Dec., 1674, aged 17; bar.-at-law, Middle Temple, 1682 (his father of Betton, Salop); knighted at Whitehall 15 Jan., 1682-3; M.P. co. Cardigan 1700-5, 1710-13, and Totnes 1705-8; died 25 Aug., 1727; brother of Bulkley; father of Herbert and Kingsmill. See Rawl. i. 371; & Foster's Judges and Barristers.

Mackworth, Kingsmill, y.s. Humph., of London, equitis. Christ Church, matric. 12 Oct., 1704, aged 14; student of Inner Temple 1708 (his father of Neath, co. Glamorgan); baptised at Neath 2 Oct., 1688.

[MacMahon, James, bishop of Derry 1507; died 1517. See Ath. ii. 712; & Foster's Inns of Court Register.],

[Macraih, Matthew, bishop of Clonfert 1482; died 1507. See Ath. ii. 696.],

Macubie, John, M.A. St. Andrew's University; incorporated 17 April, 1632, vicar of Stockbury 1631, and of Hoo St. Werburg, Kent, 1638. See Foster's Index Eccl. [35],

Maddarde, William, of Ireland, gent. Jesus Coll., matric. 1 Nov., 1581, aged 16.

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