Page:Alumni Oxonienses (1500-1714) volume 3.djvu/211

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Nelme, John, s. John, of Gloucester (city), gent. Magdalen Hall, matric. 13 Nov., 1635, aged 16; B.A. 15 June, 1639, M.A. 30 April, 1642; father of the next.

Nelme, John, s. Joh., of Shipton-Moyne, co. Gloucester, minister. Magdalen Hall, matric. 13 May, 1667, aged 18, B.A. 8 Feb., 1670-1, rector of Beddington, Surrey, 1684; licenced (v.g.) 23 Jan., 1683-4, to marry Martha Byrne, of Carshalton, Surrey; vicar of Carshalton 1690, as Nelmes. See Foster's Index Eccl.

Nelmes, Richard, s. Jon., of Wootton-under-Edge, co. Gloucester, pleb. Corpus Christi Coll., matric. 14 July, 1698, aged 16; B.A. 21 Feb., 1703-4, M.A. 17 March, 1706-7, rector of Skelton, Cumberland, 1711, vicar of Thedingworth, co. Leicester, 1714. See Foster's Index Eccl.

Nelson, Francis, gent. Corpus Christi Coll., matric. 19 Feb., 1648-9, scholar 1648 from co. Lincoln, B.A. 16 March, 1651-2; admitted to Merchant Taylors' school 1644, as 3s. Francis, born at Kelson, Oxon, 3 May, 1633; rector of Bedhampton 1658, and of Farlington, Hants, 1662. See Burrows, 498 and 569; Robinson, i. 161; & Foster's Index Eccl.

Nelson, George, s. William, of Chaddleworth, Berks, gent. Merton Coll., matric. 11 Dec., 1677, aged 16; B.A. 1682, M.A. 1684, rector of Oddingley, 1685-1714, and of Pedmore, both co. Worcester, 1687-99; brother of the next, and of William 1669. See Foster's Index Eccl. [5],

Nelson, Henry, s. William, of Chaddleworth, Berks, arm. Merton Coll., matric. 17 Dec., 1685, aged 17; bar.-at-law, Middle Temple, 1698; brother of George and William 1669. See Foster's Judges and Barristers.

Nelson, John, of co. Lancaster, pleb. Oriel Coll., matric. entry under date circa 1580, aged 17.

Nelson, John, s. J., of Dorchester, Dorset, pleb. Balliol Coll., matric. 19 May, 1701, aged 16; B.A. 1 Feb., 1704-5; M.A. from Trinity Coll., Cambridge, 1709, rector of Winterbourne Germayne, Dorset, 1707. See Foster's Index Eccl.

Nelson, Marmaduke, s. Tho., of Bedale, Yorks, pleb. University Coll., matric. 13 April, 1709, aged 17; B.A. 1712.

Nelson, Richard (Neelson), of Hart Hall in and before 1568. [10],

Nelson, Thomas, B.A. from Balliol Coll. 21 March, 1515-6.

Nelson, Thomas, of Berks, gent. Hart Hall, matric. 8 Nov., 1588, aged 14; student of Inner Temple 1590, as son and heir of William, of Chaddlesworth, Berks. See Foster's Inns of Court Reg.

Nelson, Thomas, s. T., of Sulham, Berks, gent. Christ Church, matric. 16 March, 1698-9, aged 15.

Nelson, William, fellow Oriel Coll. 1577, B.A. 14 Dec., 1577, M.A. 12 April, 1581. See Foster's Index Eccl.

Nelson, William, pleb. St. Mary Hall, matric. 25 July, 1655. [15],

Nelson, William, s. William, of Chaddleworth, Berks, pleb. Trinity Coll., matric. 16 July, 1669, aged 16; bar.-at-law, Middle Temple, 1684, bencher 1706; brother of George and Henry. See Foster's Judges and Barristers.

Nelson, Zachary, of Yorks, pleb. Trinity Coll., matric. 15 Oct., 1619, aged 19; B.A. 18 Feb. 1622-3, M.A. 2 July, 1625.

Nelthorpe, Edward, arm. Corpus Christi Coll., matric. 10 March, 1652-3, B.A. 4, and died 19, April, 1655; buried in college chapel. See Gutch, i. 408.

Neophitus, Archimandrite, of Thrace, created M.A. 1 Sept., 1701.

Neott, John, Benedictine, B.D. 3 Nov., 1535. [20],

Nepiker, Thomas, s. Tho., of Battle, Sussex, p.p. Oriel Coll., matric. 15 July, 1663, aged 16; B.A. 1667, rector of Bepton, Sussex, 1668. See Foster's Index Eccl.

Nethercotes, Thomas, arm. Magdalen Hall, matric. 2 July, 1658.

Nethermill, Richard (Nedyrmyl), B.C.L. 29 May, 1533, vicar of Coventry 1535. See O.H.S. i. 174.

Nethersole, William, of Kent, gent. Queen's Coll., matric. 8 May, 1618, aged 17.

Nethersole, William, s. William, of Wymondeswold, Kent, pleb. Merton Coll., matric. 14 Dec., 1638, aged 15; B.A. 18 June, 1642, bar.-at-law, Inner Temple, 1653. See Foster's Judges and Barristers. [25],

Nethway, John, "ser." Wadham Coll., matric. 24 June, 1653, B.A. from Balliol Coll. 3 Feb., 1656-7.

Nethway, Richard (Neathway), s. John, of Defford, co. Worcester, paup. Balliol Coll., matric. 19 March, 1682-3, aged 18.

Netherwodde, John, B.A. from Gloucester Hall 4 Dec., 1573, M.A. 28 June, 1577, see O.H.S. xii. 30.

Netlam, Robert, Benedictine, B.D. 3 Dec., 1537.

Netmaker, Nath. B.A. from Merton Coll. 15 Dec., 1629, M.A. 1 July, 1633, rector of Penmaen, co. Glamorgan, 1638, and of Pitchcott, Bucks, 1658. See Foster's Index Eccl. [30],

Nettles, Stephen, of Queen's Coll., Cambridge, 25 June, 1595, B.A. 1598-9, fellow 1599, M.A. 1602; (incorporated 13 July, 1624), B.D. from Corpus Christi Coll., Cambridge, 1611, vicar of Great Tey, Essex, 1617, rector of Lexden, Essex, 1610, ejected 16 Aug., 1644, vicar of Great Tey, Essex, 1617, and of Steeple, also Essex, 1623. See Foster's Index Eccl. & Fasti, i. 416.

Nettleship, William (Netelshippe), of Notts, pleb. St. Alban Hall, matric. 12 April, 1583, aged 18.

Nettleton, Charles, s. Ric., of Eaton, Yorks, gent. Lincoln Coll., matric. 2 April, 1680, aged 17; B.A. 1683, M.A. 1686, rector of Bulwick, Northants, 1692. See Foster's Index Eccl.

Nettleton, Ingram, s. Richard, of Heaton, Yorks, gent. Lincoln Coll., matric. 9 March, 1682-3, aged 15; B.A. 1686, M.A. 1689.

Nettleton, Robert, of Yorks, gent. University Coll., matric. 31 Oct., 1617, aged 16; B.A. 8 Feb., 1620-1, M.A. 11 July, 1623, student of Gray's Inn 1619, as son and heir of Thomas, of Thornhill, Yorks, gent. See Foster's Inns of Court Reg. [35],

Nettleton, Thomas, fellow Emanuel Coll., Cambridge, B.A. 1665-6, M.A. 1669 (incorporated 15 July, 1673), B.D. 1676.

Le Neve, Oliver, s. Fr., of London, gent. Hart Hall, matric. 29 Jan., 1679-80, aged 18; student of Middle Temple 1681; of Great Witchingham, Norfolk, esq., widower, licenced 22 April, 1698, to marry Jane Knyvet, of Darsham, Suffolk, spinster, aged 30. See Foster's Inns of Court Reg. & London Marriage Licences, ed. Foster.

Neve, Robert, fellow King's Coll., Cambridge, B.A. 1659-60, M.A. 1663; incorporated 12 July, 1664, rector of Dunton Waylet, Essex, 1670. See Foster's Index Eccl.

Neve, Thomas, s. Titus, of Birch, co. Hereford, p.p. Queen's Coll., matric. 28 March, 1705, aged 19; B.A. 1708.

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