Page:Alumni Oxonienses (1500-1714) volume 3.djvu/257

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Osmond, John, s. Tho., of Stogumber, Somerset, p.p. Exeter Coll., matric. 13 Oct., 1676, aged 19; B.A. from New Inn Hall 1680, M.A. 1683.

Osmonde, R. of Oriel Coll. in or before 1572; one John Osmond an original scholar of Jesus Coll. 1571. See Gutch, i. 569.

Osmonde, Thomas, of Devon, pleb. Exeter Coll., matric. entry under date 3 Dec., 1575, aged 19.

Osmonton, Richard, s. Tho., of Horsted, Sussex, cler. Lincoln Coll., matric. 9 March, 1682-3, aged 17; B.A. from Exeter Coll. 1686, M.A. 1689, rector of High Ham, Somerset, 1699. See Foster's Index Eccl.

Osmonton, Thomas, B.A. from Jesus Coll., Cambridge, 1652-3, M.A. Trinity Coll., Dublin, incorporated at (Jesus Coll.), Cambridge, 1664, and at Oxford 9 July, 1672, rector of Ivychurch, Kent, until ejected for nonconformity 1662, conformed and became rector of Little Horsted, Sussex, 1663, and of High Ham, Somerset, 1668; father of Richard and Thomas. See Calamy, ii. 347; & Foster's Index Eccl. [5],

Osmonton, Thomas, s. Th., of Heigham, Somerset, cler. St. Edmund Hall, matric. 31 May, 1688, aged 17; B.A. 19 Jan., 1691-2, M.A. 1695, vicar of Martock, Somerset, 1696. See Foster's Index Eccl.

Osmotherley, John, B.A. from Magdalen Coll. 17 Feb., 1598-9.

Osmotherley, John, "ser." Queen's Coll., matric. 18 Nov., 1650.

Osney, George, of co. Lincoln, pleb. St. John's Coll., matric. 12 Nov., 1619, aged 18; B.A. 17 Feb., 1622-3, M.A. 6 July, 1626; of St. Olave. Southwarke, clerk, licenced 21 March, 1632-3, to marry Ursula, daughter of Thomas Turnor, of Reading, Berks, gent.; rector of Langdon Hills, Essex, 1638. See London Marriage Licences, ed. Foster, & Foster's Index Eccl.

Ostler, Thomas, B.A. 8 March, 1577-8. [10],

Oswald, James, M.A. of University of Edinburgh (or Glasgow); incorporated of Balliol Coll. 14 Jan., 1700-1, rector of Londesborough, Yorks, 1708. See Foster's Index Eccl.

Oswald, Thomas, of co. Gloucester, pleb. Lincoln Coll., matric. entry under date 20 March, 1578-9, aged 16.

Otes. See also Oates.

Otes, George, of Yorks, pleb. Magdalen Coll., matric. 16 June, 1610, aged 16; chorister 1607-12, B.A. 21 Feb., 1611-12. See Bloxam, i. 33.

Otes, Roger, gent. Jesus Coll., matric. 9 Aug, 1658, student of Gray's Inn 1660, as son and heir of Roger, of Llandenny, co. Monmouth, esq. See Foster's Gray's Inn Reg. [15],

Otes, Roger, s. R., of Llandenny, co. Monmouth, arm. Merton Coll., matric. 17 March, 1702-3, aged 18.

Otes, Thomas, of Yorks, pleb. Lincoln Coll., matric. entry under date 1575, aged 21; "Mro. Holt, Oriel, tut. dial.",

Otten, James Van, "Homo. Belga. Chyrurgus," privilegiatus 6 April, 1621, aged 53; admitted to practice surgery 23 May, 1620.

Otten, Mathias, of London, gent. Balliol Coll., matric. 18 June, 1602, aged 15.

Ottforde, Roger, Benedictine; B.D. 21 June. 1522, D.D. sup. 29 Feb., 1527-8. [20],

Otthen, Edward, demy Magdalen Coll. 1595-1606, B.A. 10 July, 1600, M.A. 27 March, 1604; vicar of Whitchurch Canonicorum, Dorset, 1609; died 26 Sept., 1617. See Bloxam, iv. pp. 235-8; & Foster's Index Eccl.

Otthen, Hippocrates, D.Med. Montpellier, incorporated 16 March, 1604-5, or 12 June, 1609; died 3 Nov., 1611, buried in St. Clement Danes. See also D'Othon, page 416; & Munk's Roll, i. 98.

Ottiwell, Joseph, of Emmanuel Coll., Cambridge (admitted 5 Sept., 1646); B.A. from Brasenose Coll. 23 May, 1650; vicar of Ellesmere, Salop, 1671. See Foster's Index Eccl.

Ottley, Adam (Oteley), B.A. from Trinity Coll., Cambridge, 1675-6, M.A. 1679, fellow Trinity Hall, Cambridge; (incorporated 11 July, 1682), D.D. 1691; rector of Prestbury (2nd portion), Salop, 1682, canon of Hereford 1686, archdeacon of Salop, in Hereford, 1687, bishop of St. Davids 1713, until his death 3 Oct., 1723. See Foster's Index Eccl.

Ottley, Adam, s. Thomas, of Pitchford, Salop, arm. Balliol Coll., matric. 27 April, 1702, aged 17; student of Lincoln's Inn 1702. See Foster's Inns of Court Reg. [25],

Ottley, (Sir) Francis, of Salop, arm. fil. Lincoln Coll., matric. 4 Dec., 1618, aged 17; student of the Inner Temple 1620 (as son and heir of Thomas, of Pitchford, Salop, esq.), perhaps knighted 21 Sept., 1642; died 11 Sept., 1649; brother of Richard. See Foster's Inns of Court Reg.

Ottley, John (Oatley), s. J., of Worfield, Salop, pleb. New Inn Hall, matric. 7 Nov., 1707, aged 20; B.A. 1711, as Oakely.

Ottley, Richard, of Salop, arm. Lincoln Coll., matric. 4 Dec., 1618, aged 16; B.A. 14 Feb., 1621-2, M.A. 2 June, 1624.

Ottley, Thomas (Otley), demy Magdalen Coll. 1532, B.A. 7 March, 1535-6, fellow 1536, M.A. 4 June, 1540; rector of Rype 1545, and vicar of Burwash, Sussex 1549. See Bloxam, iv. 55; & Foster's Index Eccl.

Otto, "Free Baron of Schwerin", created D.C.L. 27 June, 1674, envoy extraordinary from the elector of Brandenburg to the court at St. James', etc. etc., Fasti, ii. 346. See also Schwerin. [30],

Ottringham, Robert, B.A. from Trinity Coll., Cambridge, 1575-6, M.A. 1579, incorporated 11 July, 1586.

Otway, Thomas, s. Humphrey, of Woolbeding, Sussex, minister. Christ Church, matric. 27 May, 1669, aged 17; migrated to St. John's Coll., Cambridge, 1680, educated in Wykeham's school, near Winchester, for list of his tragedies and comedies see Wood, served as a cornet in Flanders 1677, died at the "Bull," Tower Hill, 14 April, 1685, buried in the church of St. Clement Danes. See Ath. iv. 168.

Oucheterlony, John, M.A. St. Andrew's University; incorporated 8 July, 1675; rector of Beer Hackett, Dorset, 1680. See Foster's Index Eccl.

Oudart, Nicholas, created M.A. 31 Aug., 1636 (incorporated at Cambridge 1638), created B.Med. 31 Jan., 1642-3; born at Mechlin in Brabant, secretary to Sir William Boswell, ambassador to the States 1640, secretary to Sir Edward Nicholas when secretary of state at Oxford, secretary to Mary, Princess of Orange, then Latin secretary to William, Prince of Orange, and of his council (1669), Latin secretary to Charles II.; died in Little Dean's Yard, buried in Westminster abbey 21 Dec., 1681. See Fasti, i. 491; & Chester, 204.

Oughton, (Sir) Adolphus, s. A., of Fillong(ley), co. Warwick, arm. Trinity Coll., matric. 19 March, 1701-2, aged 17; of Tachbrooke, co. Warwick, student of Middle Temple 1703 (as son of Adolphus, of Great Harborough, co. Leicester, esq.); created a baronet 27 Aug., 1718, M.P. Coventry in 4 parliaments 1715, until his death 4 Sept., 1736. See Foster's Inns of Court Reg. [35],

Oughton, Daniel, s. Tho., of Canterbury, Kent, gent. St. Edmund Hall, matric. 17 May, 1672, aged 16; B.A. from Merton Coll. 1676, rector of Little Ludford, co. Lincoln, 1693. See Foster's Index Eccl.

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