Page:Alumni Oxonienses (1500-1714) volume 3.djvu/61

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Lidyate. See Lydiate.

Liff, Martin (? Lister or Luffe), B.A. March, 1579-80. See O.H.S. xii. 89.

Ligham, Peter, chaplain, B.C.L; B.Can.L. 4 July, 1513, D.Can.L. 21 June, 1516, an advocate 1516, vicar of Minster in the isle of Thanet, resigned 1529, canon of St. Paul's 1533. See Coote's Civilians, 14; Fasti, i. 60 note; & Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Light. See also Lyte.

Light, Edward (Leighte), s. Nicholas, of Worcester (city), pleb. Magdalen Hall, matric. 11 May, 1632, aged 18, B.A. 30 April, 1635. [5],

Light, Stephen, s. St., of South Petherton, Somerset, pleb. Wadham Coll., matric. 10 March, 1675-6, aged 17.

Light, William (Leight), 1s. Richard, of Horley, Oxon, arm. Queen's Coll., matric. 11 Oct., 1622, aged 15, B.A. 27 Jan., 1624-5.

Lightbody, James, of Scotland, "Typotheta." Privilegiatus 26 Oct., 1701, aged 34.

Lightbourne, James, s. James, of Manchester, co. Lancaster, gent. St. Edmund Hall, matric. 3 May, 1662, aged 15; bar.-at-law, Gray's Inn, 1668, bencher 1693; licenced 5 Sept., 1679, to marry Elizabeth Hough, of St. James, Clerkenwell, spinster. See Foster's Judges and Barristers & London Marriage Licences, ed. Foster.

Lightfoote, Antony, s. Antony, of Glooston, co. Leicester, pleb. Lincoln Coll., matric. 13 Dec., 1633, aged 20; created M.A. 16 Jan., 1642-3, servant to Prince Charles; student of Gray's Inn 1628. See Fasti, ii. 33; & Foster's Gray's Inn Reg. [10],

Lightfoote, Augustine, s. Antony, of Glooston, co. Leicester, pleb. Lincoln Coll., matric. 11 May, 1642, aged 17; perhaps vicar of Thundridge, Herts, 1662, as Anastasius.

Lightfoote, John, of London (city), cler. fil. Lincoln Coll., matric. 5 May, 1615, aged 17; possibly a student of Gray's Inn 1617, as son and heir of Richard, of Stoke Bruerne, Northants, cler.; brother of the next-named. See Foster's Gray's Inn Reg.

Lightfoot, Richard, s. Richard, of Stoke Brewerne, Northants, sacerd. Lincoln Coll., matric. 27 Jan., 1625-6, aged 17; B.A. 26 July, 1628, rector of Kennarding, Kent, 1632, of Whinbergh, Norfolk, 1647, and of Chadwell, Essex, 1663; his father rector of Stoke 1601; buried there 28 Nov., 1625. See Foster's Index Eccl.

Lightfoote, Thomas, scholar of Corpus Christi Coll. in and before 1564.

Lightfoote, William, subscribed 1 July, 1614; B.A. from Trinity Coll. 26 June, 1616, vicar of Legsby, co. Lincoln, 1619. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus. [15],

Lightfoote, William, s. Tho., of Manton, Rutland, pleb. Wadham Coll., matric. 31 March, 1671, aged 18; B.A. from New Inn Hall 1674, rector of Rothwell, Northants, 1681. See Foster's Index Eccl.

Ligoe, George, s. Geor., of Ledbourne, Bucks, gent. Trinity Coll., matric. 7 June, 1671, aged 16; student of Lincoln's Inn 1673 (his father as of Burcot, Bucks, gen., deceased). See Foster's Inns of Court Reg.

Lilborne, William, M.A. 28 June, 1506; fellow of Lincoln Coll.; admon. at Oxford 4 Dec., 1514.

Lilford, John, benedictine, regular chaplain; B.Can.L. 19 June, 1532.

Lilgrave, Dudley, of Bucks, gent. Trinity Coll., matric. 19 Sept., 1600, aged 27. [20],

Liliat, Thomas, of Christ Church 1547; B.A. sup. 1551, M.A. 12 July, 1555, B.D. sup. March, 1560-1, rector of Houghton with Wytton, Northants, 1562, and of Westley, Suffolk, 1572. See Foster's Index Eccl.

Lillingston, George, s. John, of Kingsey, Bucks, sacerd. Oriel Coll., matric. 14 April, 1641, aged 16; father of the next.

Lillingston, John, s. Geo., of Kingsey, Bucks, pleb. Jesus Coll., matric. 22 Nov., 1672, aged 16; B.A. 1676, vicar of Ilmer, Bucks, 1677. See Foster's Index Eccl.

Lillingston, William, s. Thomas, of Aston, Sandford, minister. Merton Coll., matric. 16 Dec., 1670, aged 17.

Lillington, George, s. George, of Barbados, gent. Pembroke Coll., matric. 21 Nov., 1701, aged 16; student of Inner Temple 1702. See Foster's Inns of Court Reg. [25],

Lillington, John (Lyllington), B.A. 11 June, 1509.

Lillington, John (Lyllyngton), B.A. 5 Feb., 1534-5; fellow Exeter Coll. 1535-40, M.A. 7 July, 1539; died 20 April, 1540. See Boase, 34.

Lillington, John, B.A. from Jesus Coll., Cambridge, 1612-13, M.A. 1616; incorporated 9 July, 1616 (as Lillingston). See Foster's Graduati Cantab.

Lillington, Joseph, s. Robert, of Dorchester, pp. Wadham Coll., matric. 30 March, 1669, aged 17.

Lillington, Thomas, B.A. 9 Nov., 1525, as Ledyngton, M.A. sup. June, 1533. [30],

Lillye, Barnabye, "servus Dr. Lillie." Balliol Coll., matric. 29 Oct., 1585.

Lillie, Edmund, fellow of Magdalen Coll. 1563, from co. Lincoln; B.A. 24 July, 1564, M.A. 10 July, 1570, proctor 1573, B.D. 17 July, 1578, D.D. 15 July, 1580, vice-chancellor 1585 and 1593, master of Balliol Coll. 1580-1610, vicar of Mucking, Essex, 1576, rector of Kingston Deverell, Wilts, 1576, of Fillingham, co. Lincoln, 1581, vicar of Highworth, Wilts, 1589, archdeacon of Wilts 1590-1609, rector of Farnborough, Berks, 1590, until his death 7 Feb., 1609-10; buried 12th in St. Mary's church, Oxford. See Lansdowne MS. 983, f. 135; & Foster's Index Eccl.

Lilly, Edward, s. Steph., of Hethersett, Norfolk, gent. St. John's Coll., matric. 7 July, 1684, aged 18; B.A. 1688, fellow, M.A. 19 March, 1691-2, proctor 1698, B.D. 1699; admitted to Merchant Taylors' school 1674; born 14 Oct., 1662, admon. at Oxford 14 Aug., 1703. See Robinson, i. 283.

Lillie, Emanuel, of co. Gloucester, pleb. Exeter Coll., matric. 11 Oct., 1583, aged 14.

Lilly, Florence, B.A. 1 Feb., 1553-4. [35],

Lillye, George, s. William, ("the famous grammarian") of Magdalen Coll., canon of St. Paul's 1556, and of Canterbury. See Ath. i. 302; & Lansdowne MS. 980, f. 297.

Lillie, John (Lyllie), of Kent, pleb. Magdalen Coll., matric. entry under date 1571, aged 17; B.A. 27 April, 1573, M.A. 1 June, 1575, incorporated at Cambridge 1579, dramatist, M.P. Hindon 1588-9, Aylesbury 1593, Appleby 1597-8, and for Aylesbury 1601. See Ath. i. 676; Cooper, ii. 325; & Foster's Parliamentary Dictionary.

Lilly, John, B.A. from Balliol Coll. 20 April, 1608.

Lilly, John, born at Croydon, co. Cambridge, s. John, of Cambridge, musician, admitted sizar of Gonville and Caius Coll., Cambridge, 20 June, 1663, aged 16; B.A. 1667-8 (incorporated 13 July, 1669), M.A. 1671, vicar of Ringmere, Sussex, 1681, rector of Lamarsh, Sussex, 1690. See Venn, 258; & Foster's Index Eccl.

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