am able to call attention to the discovery of the remains of a large Pœcilopod in the Utica slate, north of that village. The remains consist of a large endognathary arm of seven or nine joints, provided with long backward curving sabre-like spines, and a portion of a thoracic somite, probably one-half of the ventral surface of the anterior somite. For this species I propose the name Eurypterus? Clevelandi, n. sp., and will give a detailed description with figures of the specimens, in a future number of the Journal.
New York, Jan. 10, 1882.
3. Coal-Field near Cañon City, Colorado.—Professor J. J. Stevenson has described, with detailed sections, this valuable coal-field in a paper published in the Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society for October 7, 1881 (p. 505). It occurs in a small area of Laramie rocks lying along the eastern foot of the Greenhorn Mountains. In a generalized section of the beds thirteen coal beds, from six inches to six feet in thickness (numbered A to M), alternate with shale and sandstone. At the Cañon City Coal Company's shaft, at Rockvale, there are coal beds, A to H, in a thickness of 341½ feet. The sandstone above No. H at some places contains the fucoid Halymenites major in great abundance; and this fossil occurs in other localities in the sandstone of the same horizon, and occasionally also at the base of the series; the thickness of the beds between the upper and lower limits is over 400 feet. Professor Stevenson states that he had before found the same fossil abundantly (this Journ., III, xvii, 370), along with dicotyledonous leaves, in a sandstone shown by other fossils to be of the Fox Hills group, and that he had also found the fucoid in a sandstone, 60 to 80 feet thick, of the Trinidad coal-field of Southern Colorado and Northern New Mexico, but not below or above this sandstone; and he had recognized the bed as marking the base of the Laramie group. The sandstone occasionally holds a coal bed, and at one place contained a Cardium-like mollusk, too imperfect for determination.
4. The Paleolithic Implements of the Valley of the Delaware. 25 pp. 8vo. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. for Jan. 19, 1881.—This pamphlet is a collection of short papers on the Delaware Valley paleolithic implements, severally by Messrs. C. C. Abbott, the discoverer of them, H. W. Haynes, G. F. Wright, Lucien Carr and M. E. Wadswouth, with concluding remarks by F. W. Putnam. Mr. Putnam closes his remarks respecting these very interesting discoveries and his own visit to the locality, as follows:
"As Dr. Abbott has stated, in his historical summary of the discovery of the implements in the gravel, it has been my good fortune to take, with my own hands, five unquestionable paleolithic implements from the gravel at various depths and at different points. The relation of the circumstances under which one of these was found will be sufficient to convince you that the implement was in the position where it was buried by the four feet of gravel which had been deposited over it.