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This column will appear monthly in AMAZING STORIES. Follow it regularly and receive news of attractive offers from reliable advertisers. Rate—six cents a word. 10% discount for 6 issues and 20% for 12 issues. Cash should accompany all advertisements unless placed by an accredited advertising agency. Advertisements for less than 10 words not accepted.

Experimenter Publishing Co.
53 Park Place, New York City


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Mystify you Friends, become a master of magic. POPULAR MAGIC, 116 page book contains hundreds of magic and spirit tricks, 500 Illustrations. Price 50c. Sold everywhere. Experimenter Pub. Co., Inc., 53 Park Place, N. Y.

AMASING STORIES, the newest story magazine. Scientific Novels, issued every mothing, size 9x13 inches. Special yearly subscription offer $2.50. Experimenter Pub. Co., Inc., 53 Park Place, N. Y.

RADIO TROUBLE FINDER, a new book to keep near set, simple charts tell how to locate and correct all troubles. 52 Pages 6x9. Illustrated. Price 25c. The Consrad Co., Inc., 64 Church St., N. Y.


FOR SALE: Rhamstine "B" Eliminator, new, A1 condition $15, cost $25. Crosley three tube radio set, $12.50. Remington Typewriter, $20.00. Geo. Wright, 929 Broadway, New York.

Amateurs Handibook, contains best radio articles from "Radio News". 128 pages, size 9x13 inches, valuable, instructive. Price 50c. Sold everywhere. Experimenter Pub. Co., Inc., 53 Park Place, N. Y.


550 RADIO WRINKLES. Just off the Press. Hints, helps for every Radio User. 100 pages, illustrated, size 9xx12 inches. Price 50c. Sold everywhere. Experimenter Pub. Co., Inc., 53 Park Place, N. Y.

A Two dollar bill will bring you a 50H 60MA Filter Choke coil. Write for list, Radio Parts Sales Co., Box 24, Orange, N. J.


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The Eggs from
Lake Tanganyika

By Curt Siodmak


"Thirteen. Eleven are dead. The other two will never escape alive. They are fed up with the poison-gas."

"Thank you." Meyer-Maier hung up the receiver. "Very well," he murmured, "now there can be no question of any danger, for each fly can only lay three or four eggs at once,—not a million."

An immense weariness overcame him. He went into his bed-room and fell exhausted on his bed. "It is well that there is a supreme wisdom which controls the laws of nature. Otherwise the world would be subject to the strangest surprises." He thought of the monsters and crept anxiously under the bed-clothes. "I'll entrust Schmidt-Schmitt with the investigation of the creature phenomenon, I simply can't stand further excitement."

And sleep spread the mantel of well-deserved quiet over him.

The End

A Trip to the
Center of the Earth

By Jules Verne


fire which made a magnet of the on in our raft, turned our compass topsy-turvy."

"Ah!" cried the Professor, with a loud and ringing laugh, "it was a trick of that inexplicable electricity."

From that hour my uncle, was the happiest of learned men, and I the happiest of ordinary mortals. For my pretty Virland girl, abdicating her position as ward, took her place in the house in Königstrasse in the' double vicinity of niece and wife. We need scarcely mention that her uncle was the illustrious Professor Hardwigg, corresponding member of all the scientific, geographical, mineralogical and pediological societies of the five quarters of the globe.

The End

The Magnetic Storm

By Hugo Gernsback



L'éclateur rolàtif et les pouteilles de Leyde: Rotary spark gap and Leyden jars.

Le Président de la République: The President of the Republic.

Monsieur le Président! Attention! Allez! Mr. President! Ready! Go!

Messieur, le jolur de glair est arrivé, vive la France! Gentelmen, the day of glory has arrived, long live France!

(This is partly from the second verse of the "Marseilleuse")

Le "Curqur" du Baron d'Unterrichter(illegible text) hors de combat!: Baron von Unterrichte(illegible text)

They are out of the fighting!

Monseur le Président, toute (illegible text)ée All(illegible text)est en retroste: Mr. President, the entire German army is in retreat.


Doctor Hackensaw's

By Jacques Morgan


visible eyes. A pair of spectacles, however, concealed this defect.

Phessenden Keene fell in love with Aura at first sight, and poor Pep was madly jealous, for in the whole-souled breezy westerner she had at last found a man who had won her heart. But she was a good girl and managed to conceal her feelings. She was very good indeed to her rival who evidently returned Keene's affections.

Keene spent hours teaching Aura how to speak, and also training her in the elements of civilization, for she knew less than a child.

Unfortunately, the climate of Now York did not agree with her. She who in the tropics could stand a, dry heat of 120° F., suffered under a damp heat of 90° F and three months after her arrival in the United States, she became ill, and in spite of Doctor Hackensaw's strenuous efforts to save her, died.

Keene was inconsolable for a long time, but some years later he married Pep, and the pair were very happy together. Migg's heart almost broke at the time, for he was devoted to Pep, but he finally consoled himself with a peroxide blonde.

As for Doctor Hackensaw, he is still alive and still continues making his wonderful inventions.

The End