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Bn™BsnHr fJpanish DFrcccli UjnasCTi TECHNICAL AND CNDUSTfllAL COURSES IFIecaja] tasitwlii QArch'.iut AMAZING STORIES turned and fled helter-skelter Into the trees ; and when Montgomery and Mo- reati were at a distance I judged suffi- cient, I waded ashore, and picked up and examined the revolvers. To satis- fy myself against the subtlest trickery, I discharged one at a round lump_ of lava, and had the satisfaction of seeing the stone pulverised and the beach splashed with lead. Still I resitated for a moment. "I'll take the risk," said I, at last ; and with a revolver in each hand I walked up the beach towards them. "That's better," said Moreau, with- out affectation. "As it is, you have wasted the best part of ray day with your confounded imagination." And with a touch of contempt which humili- ated me, he and Montgomery turned and went on in silence before me. The knot of Beast Men, still wonder- ing stood back among the trees, passed thean as serenely as possi One started to follow me, but retreated again when Montgomery cracked his whip. The rest stood silent — watch- ing. They may once have been ani- mals; but I never before saw an animal trying to think. (To be continued hi November isstic) LULLABY By LELAND S. COPELAND Hush, little nebula, Don't you cry; You'll be a blue star By and by. .Color will alter — Gold, red, and black. One after another, Will garnish your back. Kiddies called planets Will spring from your side. Curling and whirling, World-stuff will ride. Round a vast circle, Performing a year; Heat must go etherward, Cool lands appear. Life soon will follow — Amceba and worm; Dinosaur, mammoth, And Brain for a term. Warring and slaying. Fighting for mates. Brain must live stories Of loves and of hates. Wisdom will triumph, War lords must die, Happiness triple, For Brain can go high. Planet on planet, Will crash — but don't sigh; Again you'll be nebula By and by. tlNG COWOEAI10TJ, OPPORTUNITY AD-LETS This column -will appear monthly in AMAZING STORIES. FolW ft regularly and receive news of attrac- tive offers from reliable advertisers. AGENTS WANTED $75 WEEKLY. HAN OR WOMAN WANT- ED with and i: .|-.-. ,;-, dijIriFjule E:>u- leigb's Household Products to steady user3. Sev- eral line opening? ]L , n^by oil i;~ sud (owns. Wo train and help you si von nu in/lie up to $100 a. wccl- or more. No ..■xiu-ri(.ii..v noc-^ar'v. Flr-n^v' rrofiiable, dignified wort. W'rile to-day. W. T RawIeigQ Co., Dept. NY74S3, Frceport, 111. Amazing invention mends socks, shirt" sheets and thousand other :.iac!fi. B;;i;Hii's darning and icwlriw. Sdli on high:. ?f}':h :o 2<V>% orofit. Frei- outfit. Nu-Way Laboratories, DesL- JO, Jit. Ilea!- thy, Ohio. CORRESPONDENCE COURSES Used c ^■* -:iij:--tr;' 'j HELP WANTED - 10- Vice Booik-i- <;■: MISCELLANEOUS MACHINE work of any kind w ,-i,j:,„. c! I r:h"n. The Grtavcs-K!:!:^ Cincinnati, O. an '. by well ool Co., MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS CO RKET I ST S— -Trombonists ~ Sa c;:_iiuc'T-.:s. Get "i'rec Pointer-." meat. Virtuoso School, Dept. T, B rophonists — uffalo, H. Y. OLD COINS WANTED— Old coins (Indian b Lis; niit-os uaid: sisii'P tor c:i.::il;i[ B, 410+ Michigan, Chicago. Lin vs SONG POEMS Soos Poem writers — Send for propositi Hihhekr, Dleo, 2104 W. Keystone Ave., in. Say j. WANT Song Poems. Casper N North Racine, Chicago, Ithtt . :■<..;?!■; VENTRILOQUISM VENTRILOQUISM TAUGHT ALMOST AN YOKE at home. Small cost. Send 2c stamp today for particulars and proof. GEO. W. SMITH, Room, S-121, 125 North. Jefferson, Peori3, Illinois.