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Own a Typewriter ! A Bargain You Can't Ignore! GET YOUR typewriter .. A genuine Shipman-Ward re- built: Underwood is the one you -"die machine you will 'entually buy!" Every- le needs it; now anyone n afford it. Don't send l a cent — but do get our big I r i'i^'v' ■'..-■■ : ' / speeial offer- nur v:il Liable j |Vi?»™ / book on typewriters and P W^ | typewritmg-/ree. e day. A week after the expressman has brought it, you'd feel lost without it. A trial will prove it — and doesn't cost you a penny! A New Plan Our rebuilt plan gives you the best machine
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The Underwood is so famous a make, end No. 5 so popular a model, you'll have to speak up if you want one of die lotwe are just completing We rebuild from top to bottom; replace every single worn pari; each machine is in sparkling coi.dition. New typewriters are commonly guaranteed for ,i year; we guar- antee these completely rebuilt Underwoods FREE! [ah ill to _ ■:i-:H%!'i'<> I nbout your FB I All without obli I. I I 5 ii-m;i:--V,«!> Hit,. Comp,v. . till lO 1*67 Sliiym™ Building, CViiVjffD i ricaae send mo full offer, ivlil, Tv Vl .. Writing Miin- I ual FREE, prices, terms, etc., and full i ■ ■ I r FRF.R course in tmi<:!i Typewriting. I ■ ■ ■ i NOT an order ! I _l five years: That's our Better-Than-New Guarantee! And we guarantee a big saving in money 1 We don't ask for a cent now. Nor any money at all, unless you are completely won by the wondcrliil writing machine we ship you for an unrestricted 10-clay free trial. When you do buy, iake aihvmiage of Our very liberal scale of monthly payments. A host of our patrons have paid for their typewriters out of money made typing work for others. (One women made a thousand dollars at home last year with her Underwood.) If you know typewriters, you know the perfect work and the ease and speed of an Underwood. If you have never a typewriter, start with the finest! that will last von all your life! But, the time to act is NOW. Don't miss out on this present bargain offer. Don't do longer without the convenience of a typewriter. Free Trial Offer Our plan gives you the opportun- ity of a thorough trial before you But Ever ! isk whatever. You star 1 X'writer after you have and only machine for facts before this lot of a is an in use. Clip the information before you turn the page. Itwillpay Geto italog that tells how we rebuild mese wonderful Underwood tvpewr iters in the largest factory of its kind in the world, and lowest prices am! terms in existence. We will also include free, the new Type Writer Manual— it gives many examples and samples of uses for your typewriter: in business accounts, social correspon- dence, recipes, shopping lists, house hold accounts, etc.; school work; liter- ary work, etc, Clip coupon now! This is a genuine UNDERWOOD Machine — ace of them ALL