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convinced that in a less period of time than we expect, facts will come to light that will startle the entire world.

Ace Baker,
1628 N.E. 33rd St.,
Oklahoma City, Okla.

Please send us any evidence you can, Ace. We'd like to see photos, and any analysis you get. Of course, a photo of a burned area proves nothing, but we have other statements of witnesses who have seen such phenomena.—Ed.


An-In-One Cigarette Lighter and Full-Pack Caase gives you cigarettes and lights together as you want them. Streamlined, smart, modern . . . a wonderful convenience; the ideal gift. For men or women. Built for lifetime service of beautiful plastic. Deep-well lighter holds month's supply fluid. SEND NO MONEY . . . 7 DAY TRIAL. Order on trial. Inspection and approval. On arrival deposit $1.98 plus C.O.D. Use 7 days. If not delighted return for full refund. (Send $1.98 with order and we pay postage.) (Dealers . . . write for prices, disoounts.)

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This Man! Secret Sarvica Operator No. 38 Is On The Job! f Follow him through all the excitement of 1 his chase after the counterfeit gang. See I howacrafty operator eolvesamurder with U tell-tale finger print.! Thrills! Mystery! The Confidential Reports No. 38 Made to His Chief Earn a Regular Monthly Salary FREE! Write for reports and free Bine Book of Crime." Learn how YOU can become a Finger Print Expert, at home, in spare time, at small cost. 53& of all Identification Bureaus in U. S. employ oar stu- dents or gradaatesl Get list of all bureaus employing!. A. S. trained men. Write today I Literature ems only to p&rmm stating agv. INSTITUTE OP APPLIED SCIENCE 1920 Sunnys.de Avs., Dept. 492 A, Chicago 40, Illinois

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DIAMONDS Whendiamond-dsjnltncrZlrconBfrom the mines of far-swaj mystic Sum are so *ff*etv ana tnsxpfnstvsr " " iff DSftOl bat) irAling? lbeanty, stand acM „elrs,fiiIlof FIBEt Exquisite moans- fpes. See before you bay. Writs tot FREE catalog-. — National Zircon Co.. Dept. 36 Wheeling, W.Va C&taloCf FREE!


I disagree with your statement in the April '47 issue of A. S. in which you say, in your article on "Oahspe," that Oahspe's "science is in variance with accepted concepts." I think that the present scientific concept of heat, light, magnetism, etc., are fairly similar. According to "Oahspe," light is nothing more than the moisture and gases of the air becoming polarized needles arranged in parallel lines. Darkness is the needles in a state of confusion. Magnetism, as explained by present day concepts, is that molecules in an iron bar assume a parallel arrangement. In a demagnetized bar the molecules are in a haphazard arrangement.

In the February 22nd issue of Science News Letter is an article dealing with Prof. G. N. Lewis' experiments with phosphorescing molecules in regards to photosynthesis. It was proved that phosphorescing molecules are in a magnetic state by exposing a fluorescein-containing glass to a strong light and suspending the glass between the poles of an electro-magnet. The glass swung toward one of the poles showing that the fluorescein molecules were magnetized.

If you have any ideas by your readers in your files in regards to regeneration (that is, regeneration of starfish's arms, earthworm's tails, etc.) I shall be glad to hear of them.

I have been following the Shaver mystery since "I Remember Lemuria!" and, along with thousands of others, I think it is great.

I especially like the homey, down-to-earth manner in which Harold M. Sherman presents his stories I think he is a swell writer and hope to see a great many of his stories in coming A. S. magazines.

J. R. Guyton, Jr.,
1933 Middle St.,
Sharpsburg, Pa.


I have just returned from a trip to investigate the Dorr brothers cave reported by Charles H. Gesner in the last issue of Amazing Stories. There is a cave. I was unable to enter the cave myself, but I shall report my findings.

Harmer's story, through Gesner, is based on a series of legends started by a man named Plummer. All Harmer's stuff, plus a lot more, has been traced to Plummer. A local archaeologist accom