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or military plane of our own, and none of the Japs or any foreign power, but was certainly tracked by radar, and observed by many people to "appear to be rocket ships" from three to five in number). Life recently reported such a "ship" over Princeton, NJ. and laughingly said it was no "angel"; not over Princeton.
The existence in far space of the Titans and Atlans living inside dark planets. The existence of giants of incredible size; of "micro-men" living within the microcosm; of "ghost-like" creatures, who are not human in appearance, yet are intelligent, and do not die—the Titans themselves do not die so long as they avoid the deadly suns.
THE science expounded by Mr. Shaver, and that he has learned from the "caves," such as the age poisons; the exd which is the push of gravity; the nature of matter and its formation and disintegration; the science of growth—all are explained again in the same way they were originally explained, in the guise of a "story" in the form of "fiction." You can gain a knowledge of all those things by reading this issue.
NATURALLY, we cannot present you with the thousands of letters, containing almost incredible confirmation from readers and others having had the same experiences Mr. Shaver has had. We can do no more than hint at the amazing "fifth column from hell" that we have begun to uncover and which will be presented in the future . . . the incredible way in which a foreign government(s) may have obtained cavern mech. set them up in this country, and is using them to set up a fifth column to end all fifth columns in a future invasion! No, we have no proof, but we intend to present a consecutive narration of what we suspect, and maybe it will be reasonable enough to follow to its bitter end.
WE CANNOT fully explain the research we have gone into, in the matter of "spiritualism" nor our suspicion that between Shaver and the spiritualists there exists no real difference of opinion, only interpretation—that we find Mr. Shaver's opinions fully substantiated by what some call the "astral." The "astral" can very well be nothing more "uncanny" than a real cave world with real people in it with real machines to operate, instead of "astral powers." We consider "spiritualism" to be just one more proof that Shaver theories are more than theories, but can be accepted as factual, and that there is only a need for more understanding.
WE HAVE pointed out "Oahspe" as a book that is still more "evidence." Shaver admits it can well be a very fine thought record, and he agrees basically, arguing only against the "spirit" angle. Let's find out!
FOR those groups of fans who complain because this editor calls the Shaver Stories factual, we are reminded of one of the most