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To People Who Want to Write

but can't get started

Beginner Earns

"Today I received a check for $165 for a story. Another I sold for $34. The other day I counted up just how much I made previously. It amounted to $1,620.00. Not bad for a beginner, is it?"—Mrs. L. L. Gray, 579 E. McHarg Ave., Stamford, Texas.

Sells 95 Stories
and Novelettes

The introduction you gave me to your editor friend, resulting in my present assignment to do a complete novel for him monthly, is doubly appreciated especially since I finished my N.I.A. training some time ago and, consequently, have no call on your service. Here is concrete evidence that interest in your students continues indefinitely. To date now, I nave sold 95 stories and novelettes to 20 National Magazines."—Darrell Jordan, P.O. Box 279, Friendship, N.Y.

Do you have the constant urge to write but the fear that a beginner hasn't a chance? Then listen to what the former editor of Liberty said on this subject:

"There is more room for newcomers in the writing field today than ever before. Some of the greatest of writing men and women have passed from the scene in recent years. Who will take their places? Who will be the new Robert W. Chambers, Edgar Wallace, Rudyard Kipling? Fame, riches and the happiness of achievement await the new men and women of power."

Writing Aptitude Test—FREE!

THE Newspaper Institute of America offers a FREE Writing Aptitude Test. Its object is to discover new recruits for the army of men and women who add to their income by fiction and article writing.

The Writing Aptitude Test is a simple but expert analysis of your latent ability, your powers of observation, imagination, dramatic instinct, etc. Not all applicants pass this test. Those who do are qualified t& take the famous N.I.A. course based on the practical training given by big metropolitan dailies.

This is the New York Copy Desk Method which teaches you to write by writing! You develop your individual style instead of trying to copy that of others.

You "cover" actual assignments such as metropolitan reporters get. Although you work at home, on your own time, you are constantly guided by experienced writers. It is really fascinating work. Each week you see new progress. In a matter of months you can acquire the coveted "professional" touch. Then you're ready for market with greatly improved chances of making sales.

Mail the Coupon Now

But the first step is to take the Writing Aptitude Test. It requires but a few minutes and costs nothing. So mail the coupon now! Make the first move towards the most enjoyable and profitable occupation—writing for publication! Newspaper Institute of America, One Park Avenue, New York 16, N. Y. (Founded 1925)


This course


for Veterans'


Newspaper Institute of America
One Park Ave., New York 16, N. Y.

Send me, without cost or obligation, your Writing Aptitude Test and further information about writing for profit.





( ) Check here if you are eligible under the G.I. Bill of Rights.

(All correspondence confidential. No salesman will call on you.) 102-H-667

Copyright 1947 Newspaper Institute of America