lieves that we are English, on account of our uniforms) and after giving me his name and address, made me promise to write to him. Tony Cucuron was his name. He was rather surprised when I told him that we were volunteers; but when I said that we not only received no pay except the poilus' five cents a day, but had paid our own passage over and had bought all our equipment ourselves, he wouldn't believe me. He could not understand why we should leave our pleasant homes in America to come into a war like this, even though it were to help France.
Crowhurst, the mechanic, ground down 148's valves today and also scraped out the carbon. Afterwards he did the same thing to Powell's car. Most of the others, however, he won't have to touch for some time yet.
This afternoon Williams and I walked into town. We wandered around for some time, until a Patisserie with some pretty cream tarts in the window, caught our eye. We spent all we could afford here. Just after we left we ran across a couple of Section IV men. They are having some heavy work up in the Argonne, about fifty kilometers north of here and not far from Clermont.
Iselin was not feeling well when he went the the rounds with the Mèdecin Chef today and when he came in tonight they found he had Scarlet Fever. Benny took him into hospital in Bar where he