December of that year, Mr. Mills was elected President, and Mr. N. E. Young for the seventh time was chosen Secretary.
Mr. Mills was peculiarly equipped for the duties now put upon him, in that he was a player of marked capacity, before and during the Civil War, having been for years actively connected with the sport; a lawyer of splendid ability, as immediately demonstrated by the formulation of the National Agreement, a document that has stood the ravages of time and the wearing warfare of the courts; and an executive of sterling endowments in the way of administering affairs and managing men.
The National Agreement, made between the National League and the American Association, which latter body soon learned the necessity of some means of controlling the game, with amendments up to 1889, was in the following words:
This Agreement, Made between the Association known and designated as the National League of Base Ball Clubs, of the one part, and the Association known and designated as the American Association of Base Ball Clubs, of the other part, witnesseth, that
I. This document shall be entitled The National Agreement, and shall supersede and be a substitute for all other Agreements, similarly or otherwise designated, heretofore existing between the parties hereto.
II. (a) No contract shall be made for the service of any player by any club member of either party hereto for a longer period than seven months, beginning April 1st, and terminating October 31st, and no such contract for services to be rendered after the expiration of the current year shall be made prior to the 20th day of October of such year, nor shall any player, without the consent of the Club to which he is under contract, enter into any negotiation or contract with any Club, Club agent or individual for services to be