Page:America Fallen!.djvu/139

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Surrender of Boston

Boston, twelve miles distant. Five hundred of these followed the shore road, and at 4 A.M. rushed the garrison, 200 strong, of Forts Heath and Banks, which they took in reverse. The rest of the force, 1,000 strong, entered Boston, one half capturing the Navy Yard, while the other, crossing the Charles River, seized the large motor fishing boats and other motor craft at the docks and took them over to the Navy Yard.

Meanwhile the debarkation of the balance of the expeditionary force, 3,500 strong, was being effected. The troops landed in light marching order, with two days' rations in their knapsacks, and accompanied by strong batteries of machine-guns. By daylight the column was on the march, and at 8 A.M., after a sharp engagement in the suburbs, and almost within sight of Bunker Hill, with such of the militia as it was possible hastily to assem-