Page:America Fallen!.djvu/83

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The Raid of the Submarines

tubes to bear on a big dreadnought, since ascertained to be the Pennsylvania, that was completing construction alongside wharf at C, and struck her with two torpedoes, one amidships and another on the bow. As we passed down the East River, we could see by the inclination of her masts that she was heeling rapidly to starboard. She is probably now on the bottom.

Our work being thus completed, we came to the surface, proceeded to the upper bay and joined the destroyer flotilla, as directed.

I wish to commend to your favorable attention the excellent work of my own crew and of the commanders and crews of U-41 and U-42, who carried out their instructions with great dash and precision and with complete success.

I have the honor to be
Yours obediently,
R. Schlesinger, Lieutenant, I. G. N.