Page:America Fallen!.djvu/98

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America Fallen

for the capture of Fort Wadsworth. You will be so good as to hand the wheel over to me and take that chair, making yourself as comfortable in mind and body as the exigencies of the present situation will allow."

Commander Schultz, I. G. N., took the wheel and headed the big ferryboat for the Narrows. At the entrance he swung to port, and made for the dock of the Crescent Athletic Club, on the Brooklyn side. Not long thereafter was heard the tramp of marching men on the shore road, leading from Fort Hamilton, and in ten minutes' time the big ferryboat had backed away from the pier with 1,800 men aboard. The boat crossed the Narrows, and, the tide being at the flood, was enabled to push her nose up to the quarantine landing at Staten Island. But no sooner was she made fast than the shore line flashed with the rifle fire of the Wads-